An oldie, but still funny......

A traveling salesman was having a really bad day. He sold nothing and had a flat tire on his way home. Naturally, he had no jack. He started down the road, and came across a car that was rocking back and forth, and tapped on the window. The man stuck his head up, and the guy apologised for interrupting. I just need to borrow your jack, the salesman said. The guy in the car said,Hey, you take over for me, I'm getting wore out and i can't satisfy her. I'll go change your tire and be back in a little while. So the guy thought, Finally a break today! He gets in the car, and by now it's dark. He is doing his best to satisfy the woman when there's a tap on the window and a light shines on both the woman and man;s face. It's a cop, and he says What do you think your doing?" The salesman replied, I'm just making love to my wife! The cop says, Sorry, I didn't know it was your wife. The salesman replies, That's O.K., I didn't know it was my wife either until you shined the light in her face!