If "Obama Care" Is So Great, Why Have So Many Factions Been Allowed To Opt Out?

Shouldn't EVERYBODY be required to participate, under penalty of law.
with any luck the supreme court will throw out the individual mandate.
I dont want anyone to have healthcare and send the illegal aliens back to where they came from
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's a good question. No wonder the Obamazombies won't answer it.
In the future, the Feds will use this monstrocity the same way they use the Tax Code, to reward those that are in political favor.

I figure the reason so many big Unions and Large Corporations such as McDonalds outed out was somebody finally read the thing, and started shoveling money toward the DNC. Of course, this is AFTER they all pushed it to being passed, before anyone had a chance to read it.

Nancy Pelosi, Moron of the House, was never any more stupid when she insisted that they get the Bill passed as quickly as possible so THEN everybody could find out what was in it.
It was reported just a couple of days ago that according to a new Gallup poll, 72% of those sampled believe that the health care mandate is unconstitutional. The same poll indicated that only 24% felt that the new law helped their personal health care "situation."

Of course, very few of those polled are likely to be constitutional lawyers, but the results clearly indicate a high degree of unpopularity. Given that, it's hard to be confident of the new law's political sustainability, let alone legal sustainability.

It seems that the longer this lemon marinates under bright sunlight, the more unpopular it becomes.
Also, many of the "opt outs" are granted in San Francisco - Pelosi's district.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! No Obamazombies want to touch this one.
LOL! No Obamazombies want to touch this one. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Why the fuck would anyone answer you? It will be denied and the name calling would start.Being a ex Lawyer I guess you never ask a question you don't know the answer.
CuteOldGuy - I guess we know why liberals won't answer. Just look at the attempt by ekim. It is typical of liberals when they are confronted with the truth.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! Satex, you're right. The best part is Ekum saying I'm the name caller. That's funny.

But still, we can clearly see that Obamacare is good for the entire country, unless you're a big Democrat supporter, in which case you may opt out. Hard to defend that.
CuteOldGuy - I guess we know why liberals won't answer. Just look at the attempt by ekim. It is typical of liberals when they are confronted with the truth. Originally Posted by satexasguy

Not a liberal dip shit wasn't a attempt you and the cute old fart are so inept at a putdown it is tragic,
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're not a liberal, Ekum? You sure? Because your posts are ignorant enough to be considered liberal. But since you never post anything of substance, I guess I assumed you were liberal. My bad. I apologize.
You're not a liberal, Ekum? You sure? Because your posts are ignorant enough to be considered liberal. But since you never post anything of substance, I guess I assumed you were liberal. My bad. I apologize. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Any one who disagrees with you is painted a liberal.you claim to not be a right wing conservative,but all your threads are slamming the administration or Obama .If you ever post anything positive about anything it will prove me wrong..Not
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is nothing positive to post about Obama. And there is nothing positive to post about the Republicans, either. But Obama is the most imminent threat. That is why he must be voted out of office. I just don't think Romney will be an improvement.

And Ekum, I doubt if you know my political leanings better than I do. But I promise you, if the Administration ever gets one right, I will compliment them. I just don't see it happening.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Romney WON'T be an improvement you're right. When it comes down to a jehadist bent on the destruction of this country or another politician, I'll take my left boot over obama (I hate my left boot it never goes on right but at least it has a sole)

Ill get into Muslim obabmaa later. I need coffee.