When we do not allow the judgement of others to interfere with the experiences we all seek, then some will be able to DO more than simply consider the notion. The reason most who consider it do not participate, might be that their morals, ingrained or not, dictate they do not participate. It has very little to do with work ethic.
This is why I do not understand some of those who participate, constantly and negatively, referring to those who do and even themselves, in an angry or disgruntled manner. If you have guilt, anger, or any other negative mindset concerning hobbying, why participate? Find something that feels better.

Makes more sense to me. But then again, I think logically every bit as much as I follow my intuition or think with my heart. If it feels good. you can afford it or don't mind it involves making money, and it causes no harm to self or others, do it. If it doesn't feel good...don't do it again and again and share how horrible everyone associated with the community is, or judge those who do not enjoy it in the same manner you do. That kind of thing, serves no purpose. Get over your issues and let the rest of us, who do not have the hang ups you do, enjoy the hobby, however we each see fit.
Hobby safe and have fun!