Is it time to tap out?

turtle138's Avatar
Guy's other than a few of the local lady's it seems that most of the visiting ladies have been very deceptive!
Any thoughts on what's going on?
What happened to truth in advertising ,yup pictures are 100%real just not you!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-02-2015, 09:44 AM
Guy's other than a few of the local lady's it seems that most of the visiting ladies have been very deceptive!
Any thoughts on what's going on?
What happened to truth in advertising ,yup pictures are 100%real just not you!
Originally Posted by turtle138
I don't know who the specific ladies are that you are referring, and false advertising is indeed bad when it happens.

But let me toss something out that may affect which ladies consider coming to NM. It you are not attracting the better, honest/professional & higher quality ladies out there I would argue PART of it is the real/perceived attitude of guys in NM.

To be blunt, the perception is that there are a lot of bargain hunters and guys who push the boundaries on things. Guys in NM have a different pricing scale than where many of the ladies come from, and that by itself hurts you, but it goes beyond that.

I love the southwest in general and New Mexico specifically. I have brought a few ladies out there with me for visits. Generally they too love the area, and three looked at coming back on their own for a tour stop. In all three cases the lack of professional responses turned them off. They either got minimal/no serious nibbles or too many guys wanting to get dicounts, freebies, BBFS, etc. The reality is, you guys (New Mexico in general, not anyone on here specifically) have a really bad rep among a lot of ladies right now. That tends to leave you with the less reputable ones. I even had one lady who has family near Taos look at making a tour stop in NM to combine some work and play, but decided to forego the work part because she didn't feel safe (this was around the time your local resident asshole was outing people on here.

I am not anti-New Mexico at all. I really do wish things we'd better there so I didn't have to pay for a lady's airfare if I wanted some company there.
turtle138's Avatar
I certainly agree with you. Some make it bad for the rest. I really love visiting TX top quality and priced reasonable. Any were from $200 to $300 is where like to play and usually 2 hrs .300-400
Agree with what you say Old-T, but also something the visiting girls have to keep in mind if they're coming here. NM in general and ABQ in particular are quite poor in the American scheme of things. Both rank towards the bottom nationally on almost all poverty indicators. Combined with a sparse population, girls can't roll into NM and command 300+ roses per hour like they can in most other parts of the country. Just came back from DC and 400 roses per is not unusual there. Won't work here.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-02-2015, 01:28 PM
Jim, I agree, but that is part of the reality. If NM can support $200 an hour, that might be fair for NM, but it will not likely attract those 400 DC ladies. You will get the 200 DC ladies and too many of them start to fall into some dubious problem areas like the OP referred to. It is a real problem, and I don't know that I have a good answer.
Kvothe's Avatar
To me, the implication of NM being a poor state is that our pool of potential clients is smaller. Except for the really expensive metropolitan areas like New York the expenses for a touring lady here are comparable to most other areas and we cannot expect their rates to be lower.

In addition, I have always suspected that we have one or two saboteurs who deliberately book ladies and then cancel at the last minute. This would go along with other destructive behavior seen around here.

Finally, in ABQ we do have a particularly aggressive and stupid police force. In my mind they are notorious for more than just blowing away the mentally ill and the homeless.
As a fellow touring lady, I will have to agree with some of the points being made here. I have not personally traveled to the NM area in years (I kind of miss it, which brought me to the discussion forum) but when I first started coming to the area some time ago, it was one of my favorite visiting spots. As time went on, I started to see the decrease in quality gents and ran into a lot of flakes. As it was beautifully put in a post above, quality ladies will visit areas where business is good and we are treated well. I understand some areas perhaps don't have the $$ flow that other areas do, but as much fun as this hobby is for us ladies, it's also a way to make a living. Treat us well and we will continue to grace you with our presence

Hermosa's Avatar
As a fellow touring lady, I will have to agree with some of the points being made here. I have not personally traveled to the NM area in years (I kind of miss it, which brought me to the discussion forum) but when I first started coming to the area some time ago, it was one of my favorite visiting spots. As time went on, I started to see the decrease in quality gents and ran into a lot of flakes. As it was beautifully put in a post above, quality ladies will visit areas where business is good and we are treated well. I understand some areas perhaps don't have the $$ flow that other areas do, but as much fun as this hobby is for us ladies, it's also a way to make a living. Treat us well and we will continue to grace you with our presence

xoxo Originally Posted by Kourtney Lynn
I think there have been some really great points being made here guys! Old-T and Kourtney Lynn are giving us all things we really ought to think about. In this hobby, what do you really want? Do you want to be the Caboose on that long train passing by or do you want to enjoy a lady who isn't desperate for as many tricks as she can get? Do any of you want to go back to the days of checking out Central to see who's walking? Each and every one of us has to ask ourselves, "What do we really want?"
These ladies provide I think a fantastic gift to us guys. Do they have a right to make a living or are they supposed to just what????? You like them to look nice, smell nice, have a nice safe in call, be fit, maybe have bigger boobs, and so on. That cost money guys. How many BNG or HH visits will pay for what you expect of them?
You guys know that the ladies who always give discounts or go for your trying to cut the price are the desperate ones. You also know that the desperate ones do desperate things that put themselves and you in danger. Is that really what we want? Some will say sure. it's just a poke of a hooker. But that's all your going to get. Personally, I might not play often, but I would rather play less, give these ladies more, and know that I'm going to have a great time with a great lady. I have never had a bad time when I gave the lady what they were worth. However, I sure have when I only wanted to go cheap!
PS How many of you are saving a lot because gas is so cheap? Just thinking out loud guys.
turtle138's Avatar
I totally agree with your comment about quality and price. But like everything else there is such a thing as market conditions. Now with that being said a visitor like Ms Taylor is certainly worth $$$$.
Its like comparing a Chevy to a Caddy.
In the end l guess it is like every thing else in life its your choice to make!
That was my point. Because NM is what it is (I.e., small pool of hobbyists), it's going to be tough sledding for primo ladies that travel. As for the flakes and cheapos among us out here, I have no explanation or excuse for them, but they need to know they're killing it for the rest of us...especially since we have do few quality local girls,
Kvothe says: "In addition, I have always suspected that we have one or two saboteurs who deliberately book ladies and then cancel at the last minute. This would go along with other destructive behavior seen around here. "

I think he's right on. What better way to fuck things up both for providers and clients than to schedule and cancel at last minute again and again using different handles?

Checking P411 this morning I find several "high end" visitors @ 350 and up (way up). several of them are returning here. Wouldn't be if business was slow or too many cancellation. Obviously, there are enough high end mongers here to keep them happy and coming back.
[QUOTE=Kourtney Lynn;1056337412]As a fellow touring lady, I will have to agree with some of the points being made here. I have not personally traveled to the NM area in years (I kind of miss it, which brought me to the discussion forum)

We miss you too Kourtney. Stop by again if your travels bring you near us.
As a fellow touring lady, I will have to agree with some of the points being made here. I have not personally traveled to the NM area in years (I kind of miss it, which brought me to the discussion forum)

We miss you too Kourtney. Stop by again if your travels bring you near us. Originally Posted by Kourtney Lynn
Ask, and you shall receive

I've been thinking the same thing. Not a lot of reliable/reputable providers in the area anymore. I've been trying to hit some local or touring providers up this entire week, but they either flake out or don't have enough references. Getting kind of lame. There are a few local ones who keep flaking out, and it' aggravating. The "flaking out" (atleast to me) seems to be on both ends...