Is it just me??!!!!

What is it with the hobbyists here?? I have had some issues with a majority of the hobbyists that have contacted me from the Denver area. I request in my advertisements that there be no discussion of donations or services upon contact, whether it be by phone/email/in person. I have a very detailed and descriptive website that is always listed and provides great insight as to what I provide. I also ask that new friends NOT text me as initial contact. Three reasons, #1. They carry on a never ending conversation that leads nowhere, and will continue to contact you but never make an appointment to actually see you. #2. You end up texting a minor or horn teenager, or somebody's snooping wife Or the ATF of texters excuses..#3. There was a misunderstanding or they wana haggle. In the time it takes to text the conversation intended, it could've been said 2-3 times. Sorry guys, but I'm more comfortable HEARING the voice of the gentlemen who wants to spend time with me. Now, the most common response I got was: We run the show, Not you pro's.. With that being said, what makes so many of you guys feel like you have such power to end a girls run just because she won't bend at your will?? Do u really wanna see a girl who has no structure or discretion?? If you pay attention, the girls who operate with no structure at all, are the ones with friends hiding in the bathroom.. pimps clock watching you/running you out and robbing you.. they're the ones who have no discretion or respect for either of your privacy!! What I wanna know is, what is so wrong with a provider having boundaries and expecting the gentlemen contacting her to respect those boundaries (as he would expect her to respect his..) Pardon me for ranting, but this has been an issue for me for quite a while and I just needed to ask..
sorry to hear you have not been have the best of luck with callers. There are plenty of gentlemen in Denver and thing should get better for you. If you are advertising on BP I might suggests trying Also, Denver does have a local board,, that might be worth checking out.
Thanks for the advice mikey!! It was much needed..
Your welcome
Sorry to hear that you are having problems. The majority of men in Denver are really quite polite, but we do have our share of jerks as well. I hope you have better luck going forward.
