Clinton slams Trump's 'demagogic' rhetoric on terror

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Drumpf is a fucking demagogue. His knee jerk reactions to this weekend's attacks revealed his true nature again.

Drumpf doesn't fight terrorism. He fucking promotes it. And he praises terrorists, like Vladimir Putin and Saddam Hussein.

He doesn't own the high road here. He doesn't know shit, but if you listen to him, he "knows more about ISIS than the generals."

Yee Haw!

Clinton slams Trump's 'demagogic' rhetoric on terror

White Plains, New York (CNN) -- Hillary Clinton cast herself Monday morning as the only presidential candidate who has fought terrorism and slammed Donald Trump's response to the incidents in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota over the weekend as "demagogic."

In a news conference on the tarmac of Westchester County Airport, the Democratic presidential nominee said she has been "part of the hard decision to take terrorists off the battlefield," and contrasted her steadiness to what she called Trump's "irresponsible, reckless rhetoric."

"It is like so much else he says: It is not grounded in fact, it is meant to make some kind of demagogic point," Clinton said. "I am prepared to, ready to actually take on those challenges, not engage in a lot of irresponsible, reckless rhetoric."

An explosive device went off in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan over the weekend, once again thrusting the politics of terror into the center of the 2016 election.

Clinton and Trump initially responded to the incident in contrasting styles: Trump was quick to announce that a bomb had gone off in New York, even before there was much information about the incident; Clinton, meanwhile, urged caution, and the importance of waiting to draw conclusions until more information was available.

Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller said that the Clinton campaign accused the Republican nominee of treason and criticized her previous stances on the war in Iraq.
"If Clinton really wants to find the real cause of ISIS, she needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror," Miller said.

In her news conference Monday morning, Clinton also warned against the instinct to villainize entire groups of people based on religion.

Asked about Ahmad Khan Rahami -- in custody following a police shootout after he was allegedly seen on video near the bombing -- and whether his Afghan descent will help Trump politically, Clinton said: "There are millions of law-abiding, peaceful Muslim Americans."

"That is why I have been very clear. We are going after the bad guys and we are going to get them, but we are not going to go after an entire religion and give ISIS exactly what it is wanting," Clinton said.

Clinton's news conference offered no new policies to fight
terror. She argued, as she has before, that the United States needs to invest more in intelligence to combat lone wolf attacks.

The former secretary of state also called on tech companies in Silicon Valley to "give us the tools and lead us to those who are attempting to promote attacks like we have seen."

Clinton has given speeches on defeating terror multiple times throughout the 2016 campaign, including policy-focused addresses in Minneapolis and New York earlier this year.
Budman's Avatar
You are as ignorant as ever. Clinton called it a bombing as well. CNN edited that remark out of the soundbites they aired.
lustylad's Avatar
You are as ignorant as ever. Clinton called it a bombing as well. CNN edited that remark out of the soundbites they aired. Originally Posted by Budman
So you mean it really was a bomb? I can say it now? Shit, I thought a dumpster just self-combusted!
bambino's Avatar
And then she calls for strong vetting, just like Trump because he's kicking her ass lately.
bambino's Avatar
So you mean it really was a bomb? I can say it now? Shit, I thought a dumpster just self-combusted! Originally Posted by lustylad
The Mooselum should have put the Bulgarian and Asswipe in the dumpster then ignited it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hillary is more concerned about langauge than terrorism. They both expressed concern for the injured but only one showed some commitment to actually dealing with terrorism; TRUMP.
LexusLover's Avatar

... runs through the forum starting threads

... screaming .... LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!!

(Got nothing to say, but he just posts shit THREADS!)
Hillary is more concerned about langauge than terrorism. They both expressed concern for the injured but only one showed some commitment to actually dealing with terrorism; TRUMP. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Hot air will not defeat terrorism.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We are very aware of that. Hot air is all that Obama and Hillary have been using. Give Trump the Oval Office and we see action finally.
Hot air will not defeat terrorism. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Rolling up in the fetal position and begging them to stop hating us doesn't seem to be working either.
lustylad's Avatar
Rolling up in the fetal position and begging them to stop hating us doesn't seem to be working either. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Stop frightening ekim the chimp!

Keith Richards has better health than Pickles and probably not on as much RX...

I B Hankering's Avatar
You are as ignorant as ever. Clinton called it a bombing as well. CNN edited that remark out of the soundbites they aired. Originally Posted by Budman

She looks tired and frail. Originally Posted by bambino

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-19-2016, 05:41 PM


. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

yo IB .... kiss my Texas ASS !

practice saying Yes Madam President, then stfu .
yo IB .... kiss my Texas ASS !

practice saying Yes Madam President, then stfu . Originally Posted by CJ7


Welcome back asshole...