Holiday help

Doris day's Avatar
This time of year i always like to find someone in need of some help. As a single parent ive been very fortunate to be able to work and provide for my child. I hate the thought of children going without for the holidays. At the same time, I work three jobs( two regular and a provider, although I dont consider this a job lol), and I hate the thought of being taken advantage of. Does anyone in the Pgh area know of an agency that i can work with where I can get a more personal experience of helping a family for the holidays? I like to know a little about the family I would be helping instead of throwing a gift in a box at the store.
And that is what makes you a great lady! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Doris day's Avatar
Why thank you kind sir! But that is not the only thing that makes me a great lady