Hey fellow progressives...

markroxny's Avatar
If these teapots and wing nuts are so confident as they say they are, that Mitwitt is going to win in a landslide and us progressive libs are so "unglued" then why do they start 50 threads a day ? Why is Marshall hitting the panic button every morning? Why is COF losing it in every thread? Why is JD starting 50 different threads about Benghazi?

Could it be that deep down they know the truth? That the electoral college does not allow a clear path to victory for Romney? That even if Obama loses the popular vote, he's still gonna win the election?

Who's really becoming unglued?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Barack Obama.
They're more amp'ed up because they hate more. It's strong fuel and the idea that Obama might win again is absolutely driving them fucking crazy.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-01-2012, 02:59 PM
They're more amp'ed up because they hate more. It's strong fuel and the idea that Obama might win again is absolutely driving them fucking crazy. Originally Posted by timpage
impossible for them to be something they already are
Obama isn't going to win.

A great day for America.
markroxny's Avatar
Obama isn't going to win.

A great day for America. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I'm gonna rub your face in this so hard on Wednesday after he wins.
Obama isn't going to win.

A great day for America. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And there we have it. Straight from the mouth of the idiot who predicted that Hurricane Sandy would be nothing more than a "media event."

Your track record sucks lately fuckstick.

Still waiting for your apology on your last incredibly misguided prediction of future events. Post up when you're ready shitbird.

Fuck you.
And there we have it. Straight from the mouth of the idiot who predicted that Hurricane Sandy would be nothing more than a "media event."

Your track record sucks lately fuckstick.

Still waiting for your apology on your last incredibly misguided prediction of future events. Post up when you're ready shitbird.

Fuck you. Originally Posted by timpage
LMAO! Tim, Whirly usually tips when providers talk to him that way.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We post the truth about Obama because you libtards are so much fun to watch. It's as simple as that. It's like throwing a bag of peanuts into a monkey pen, and then trying to get out of the way when the monkeys throw shit back.

It's like electronic laser tag.


I enjoy that.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-01-2012, 03:45 PM
far beit from me to argue with someone who is so experienced feeding monkeys and dodging monkey shit ...

you have the floor ..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I got all of my experience here, and none of the shit has ever landed.
I got all of my experience here, and none of the shit has ever landed ON ANYONE BUT ME. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There you go. I fixed it for you, COF.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Still missed. Too much caffeine Stevie. A little less and you're aim might improve.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-01-2012, 04:58 PM
A new batch of polls released yesterday (see below for the numbers) spells good newsfor President Obama. With Obama leading in Wisconsin by 5-8 points, it looks like Paul Ryan has failed to do the running mate's main job: bring in your home state. In Ohio, four new polls show Obama leading by an average of 3.8%. Obama is also leading in Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. Two of the three polls put him ahead in Virginia and he is essentially tied in Florida and Colorado. It appears that Romney's post-debate momentum has now stopped, If the current numbers continue to hold over the weekend, the popular vote could be close but Obama is likely to win the electoral college because he needs to win only a few of the big swing states whereas Romney needs to win them all
Obama isn't going to win.

A great day for America. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I have trying to get you to back your words up with a friendly wager for months. Thus far, you have cut and run every time! Apparently you're not very confident that Mittens is going to emerge victorious next Tuesday night!

We post the truth about Obama because you libtards are so much fun to watch. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Speaking of StupidOldFart posting "the truth." Is this "the truth" that StupidOldFart is constantly referencing?

Twisting things that are said all out of porportion is something StupidOldFart happens to be extremely familiar with. Correct me if I am wrong StupidOldFart, but didn't you recently buy (lock, stock and barrel) into the words pertaining to Chrysler Corporation that Romney twisted out of proportion in a recent Ohio campaign ad? In fact, if my memory serves me correctly you repeatedly criticized me for my interpretation of the matter. Did you not? Shall we review a few of your exact words of criticism (quoted earlier in this thread)?

Well, the "grown ups" eventually spoke here. And the "grown ups" had an opportunity to reach consensus on "the truth." In other words the "grown ups" were the "Truth"ful Fact Checkers. And the "Truth"ful Fact Checkers agreed with me, not you!

StupidOldFart, let's review the "grown up" and "Truth"ful Fact Checkers findings, shall we?

PolitiFact (check), FactCheck (Check), Washington Post Fact Checkers (Check), Chrysler Spokesman (Check), Chrysler CEO (Check).

And last but certainly not least...................

Your friendly, neighborhood Eccie Fact Checkers (Checkmate).

One of the few who did not have a check by their name was StupidOldFart. He and Romney both had a minus signs (-) by their names. ROTFLMAO

It's official now, StupidOldFart is the one with a long, sordid history of twisting words out of proportion and when confronted, StupidOldFart offers up a meek and mild shrug of the shoulder. Followed by an arrogant and condescending, "it's time to move on." You do this hoping that we are all foolish enough to just forget and "move on!" And then you could just continue to be your arrogant and condescending, asshole self!

I may eventually forget but you can bet your lying, StupidOldFart ass that it will not be in this lifetime!

I will once again quote the meek and mild version of StupidOldFart, "it's time to move on!" (Don't ya just love it!)