You know what sucks ?

normalguy21's Avatar
When you pay for some ones plane ticket to come see you and they catch a ride in a car with someone .

That would be cool but they still had me pick them up at the airport and still want to say they flew in .

Thats tight !

I waited in side before the flight got there . Plane arrives - They didnt get off .Phone rings they ask where i,am at because there out front .

No baggage claim tickets on there bags .

Incurred cost,s my ass .
DallasRain's Avatar
thats why you stick with " a sure thing" sorry that happened!
Smh, that's kinda scandalous
normalguy21's Avatar
It,s really no big deal .

Looking back on it i must of liked her to even be thinking about it .

It,s a good thing it happened early in the 2 week booking .

Sometimes things just happen . - well kinda

And i was going to spoil the hell out of that one .

Onward and upward !!

Next !!!
DesireMeDestiny's Avatar
seems like it's totally her loss! Better luck next time, darling.