I'm living proof

Good things can come out of this realm of ours.

Many people close to me know that for the last several months I've gone through many hurdles.

My implant I had for 14 years busted and I was forced to have surgery ASAP to fix it. 3 weeks after surgery, just as I was getting into my stride again, I felt ill. It was as quick as waking up one morning in discomfort and by noon seriously I'll. Barely able to walk, weak, in physical pain nauseous, hot to cold and so on. Thinking I was getting the flu, I cancelled the day and went to sleep.

When I woke up that evening I connected the dots and had Roxanne take me to ER. (the ones that know the story please bare with me or fast forward. Lol.) I knew my symptoms were connected to the pain in my breast and something was wrong.

As things progressed I realized I was incredibly sick. Deathly sick. I had gotten staph infection and it had gotten into my blood. My blood pressure so low they turned me upside down in a bed to raise it. White blood cell count at 33,000. Heart rate racing. So on and so on.

I was in the hospital for a week. They had to remove the implant because they couldn't stop the infection no matter how much antibiotic they pumped in me.

I am left with one implant in and one not. I had tubes attached and the story could get grosser but that's not the point. This mishap threw me out of the hobby. For an extended amount of time. The implant can not be restored to me until the end of January due to the extensive infection. From the beginning to today that has been almost two months and by the time it's all said and done I will have gone through this for over four months.

The reason I'm posting this is more to catch you up and to bring to mind something very beautiful I discovered here.

Not only did I have a great friend I could call that would drive 30 minutes to drive me to the hospital but she stayed with me every night and handled everything so I wouldn't worry. Thank you Roxanne. The commitment and love you showed was more than I have ever known. The point? I met her in the hobby.

Another point, there were so many people came to visit and show me love that the nurses thought I was having a constant party and many times it was standing room only. I've never known such love and support. Point again, I met them all in the hobby. (outside of my family of course)

The love and support of clients I have enjoyed and grown to know over the years have stepped up to assist in my financial needs and I want to publicly thank them. I understand discretion and will not name names. However, from the bottom of my heart I thank you and am indebted to a degree most people will never understand. You will be the first I contact upon my return to let you know personally my appreciation. I will never say no to you. You will forever have my gratitude and appreciation and I will go out of my way to let you know it. Point, I met them in the hobby.

Sometimes, all we hear about here is the negative side of the hobby. I'm living proof that is not true. I'm living proof that a gent can be kind to a lady and assist and she will value it. I'm living proof gents will care if you're ok and will reach out to lift you up when you need it. I'm living proof that even in this realm we can find life long friends and love that comes to be with you in the dark moments.

If nothing else, this is my public thank you to all who have given me love during this. I have you in mind and I will never forget it. You have made me feel more loved than I expected and in my downtime I've thought of nothing other than how to repay that feeling.

I love this hobby of ours. I love my family. I'm thankful for my health. I'm thankful for the different levels of love that have surrounded and protected me. Thank you.
Richard Johnson's Avatar
Thank you so much for posting this. Your experience is uplifting and, you are right, it is proof that good deeds and good people can be found everywhere. I hope that you recover quickly.
Get well soon. Times like these you find your true friends.
missi hart's Avatar
maxeen, i'm very sorry you had to go through this ordeal, but very glad that the prognosis is good.

you are a very special lady!
knotty man's Avatar
Very ,very classy. But, then again. anyone who has ever met you already knows your a very special lady and great friend. Hope to see you again soon. Get well babe
Guest092815's Avatar
Oh Maxeen!! Girl I had no idea until the other day (and even then it was only a hint of what you were going through) I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you in every way.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. text,pm,email me. I'm here for you, dear.

I have to agree with your sentiment that there are some really wonderful folks here in this "community".

I'm so glad you had friends there for you, babygirl. You're very special. Please take care of you, and it will work out somehow.

My heart goes out to you Maxeen! I know first hand how awful and scary staph infections are. Roxanne is a wonderful friend, and I could tell when I met ya'll that you were good people. Seems hard to come by these days...

Hope to get together with ya'll again soon!
SASpurfan's Avatar
Sorry you had to experience this serious condition, and glad you are doing better. Best wishes for a successful and healthy 2012.

DTorrchia's Avatar
Very classy post Maxeen. I'm sorry you had to go through so much. I wish you a quick recovery and hope you continue to regain your health quickly.

Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy Holidays to you!
I'm so sorry to hear that you have had such a string of bad luck lately regarding your implants but it's reassuring that their are still some trustworthy, caring people in this hobby and that when they do nice things they are valued as friends rather than "suckers".

Good luck in your recovery and I hope everything starts going better medically for you...your struggle with the breast augmentation has made me definitely rethink the risk involved in cosmetic surgery.

Oh and it should go without saying but if there's anything I can do to help let me know...if you need help with errands or anything I'm just a PM(and a few miles down the road) away.
Ahhh Maxeen! I love you like a fat kid loves cake The thread is very classy and brought a tear to my eye. You are an awesome friend to have and I'd do all over again if I had to...but damn that hospital bed was a pain, lol. But I love you.

You are a beautiful lady inside and out and as I have been saying you will rise above it all as always. I am glad that you are finally all healed...minus a boob, but that comes soon enough and I will be there again to see you through it
Max, you re-define the word class!
Trip's Avatar
  • Trip
  • 12-19-2011, 10:31 AM
Yes, I'm on the mend and feeling great. Energy levels are coming back and I love that feeling.

Never lost my sense of humor though. Infact, Roxanne and I came up with some great mock ads! Like. . .

"half off!"
"the best of both worlds, one mm and one oh natural!"

The best part was when the doctor told me part of the reason I was susceptible to the staph infection was due to low levels of protein. As soon as he left Rox looked and me and said " well you know what we are adding to your menu when you return!" omg I almost fell out right there!

In all seriousness, thank you for the well wishes. But mostly, thanks to the community at large for being awesome people.
Whispers's Avatar
In all seriousness, thank you for the well wishes. But mostly, thanks to the community at large for being awesome people. Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe
Glad to hear you are on the mend.... And as much as people have stepped up to support you I am sure getting help with your protein shortage will soon be alleviated! Don't let it slip again girl.. Just ask... Your friends will step up and fill that need for you!

Yes there are a number of good souls and kind hearted people within this community.

I know that in some areas the circle of those that surround and support you intersects with the circle of those that come forward to support my cause. I'm sure both will continue to grow in the new year.

Get well soon and have yourself a very Merry Christmas.