McCain Blasts Trumps Crying About Media!

StandinStraight's Avatar
McCain is right! Trump wants to be a dictator! Not in our America Donald Trump!
Did you bother reading this yahoo thread or did you just post it blindly like all your other ones? .....
bambino's Avatar
Did you bother reading this yahoo thread or did you just post it blindly like all your other ones? ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
His threads are not worth reading.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Maybe McCain should run for President.
It's possible StandinShit had a series of strokes yesterday....his chances of recovery are slim and none. Expect to see more silly threads started by him. It's sad, don't you think?
McCain is a sad old man who lost in 2008 to no less than a Minority... A man of his generation hated blacks to no end...time for his old ass to retire and fade away...
LexusLover's Avatar
McCain is a sad old man who lost in 2008 to no less than a Minority... A man of his generation hated blacks to no end...time for his old ass to retire and fade away... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
and before that he lost in 2000! Struck out. Never got to 1st.

I respect the suffering he endured as a prisoner, but that's no justification to cause us to suffer listening to him today! His pissed cause Trump "disrespected" him!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
mccain should have retired and let new blood take over.

he is a selfish man who is concerned only with himself.
He's pissed 'cause Trump "disrespected" him! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Everyone can see that.

When McCain gets back from Munich someone within the party (that he respects and will listen to) needs to pull him to the side and straighten his angry, petulant, spoiled ass out. His "rebel attitudes" have grown tiresome.
bambino's Avatar
Everyone can see that.

When McCain gets back from Munich someone within the party (that he respects and will listen to) needs to pull him to the side and straighten his angry, petulant, spoiled ass out. His "rebel attitudes" have grown tiresome. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Lindsey Graham needs slapped down too.
I give him the respect that he deserves as a Vietnam vet but he really is a loser as a politician and needs to retire like the OP of this thread
LexusLover's Avatar
I give him the respect that he deserves as a Vietnam vet .... Originally Posted by gary5912
... he is disrespecting the CIC in the presence of military personnel and in public with his continuing whining and he should know that such discourse gives a weakened appearance to our foes and emboldens them to take action they might not otherwise take in the face of a solidified front to the world.

We don't air our dirty laundry, if we have any, to the world!

The Liberal Loudmouths preach this and that about "helping the enemy" then they attack the POTUS AND our military with the "side benefit" to our enemies of providing them with information that reveals are methods of gathering intelligence!
McCain may be the source of the leaks. He did a despicable thing in Munich. Even as much as I hated Obama, I would never agree to this if it was done to him.
LexusLover's Avatar
McCain may be the source of the leaks. He did a despicable thing in Munich. Even as much as I hated Obama, I would never agree to this if it was done to him. Originally Posted by canuckeight
It's not about Trump or Obaminable ... it's about the INNOCENT, NONPOLITICAL personnel in the field, military and civilian and "contractors," whose lives are put in jeopardy daily and now that jeopardy is increasing because of the tantrums being thrown by the HillaryNoMore supporters and the Never-Trumpers!

That includes McCain! He's quickly erasing is "Atta-Boy"!
]McCain may be the source of the leaks[/B]. He did a despicable thing in Munich. Even as much as I hated Obama, I would never agree to this if it was done to him. Originally Posted by canuckeight;1059205737[B

THAT would be incredible should that come to be. My hopes are...along with millions of other Americans...this is NOT the case.

Flash forward: if McCain is the leak, the "Butterfly Effect" could be unfathomable. Hopefully its proven OBama holdovers within the IC are the culprit(s) and they are weeded out...and McCain is proven to be nothing but an aging, jealous old man....and he retires (sooner than later).