Trumps Having Health Issues Can't Handle Pressure!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Turns out Trump isn't so tough mentally! He is having health issues handling the pressures of being in the White House. This might explain his erratic delusional behaviors!
Turns out that Stan-the-Stupid isn't so tough mentally! He is having health issues handling the pressures of being in the eccie forumThis might explain his erratic delusional behaviors! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Poor Stan-the-Stupid needs medical help
LexusLover's Avatar
Poor Stan-the-Stupid needs medical help Originally Posted by gary5912
... and attention!
Turns out Trump isn't so tough mentally! He is having health issues handling the pressures of being in the White House. This might explain his erratic delusional behaviors! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Concentrate on your own delusional behavior. Could be the reason you can't find a nice girl, but you have no problem finding all this bullshit to post about Trump. Try diverting your energy to something more positive you're looking really stupid.

News Flash:

Libtards, in droves, are receiving medical disability for the pandemic "Cabin Fever" illness.

Tens of thousands are experiencing the lack of desire to leave their homes and function within society. All they do is drool all day, spank their monkey praising Hillary and OBama all day while hammering out stupid threads on the Political Forum in Icky.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Stan-the-Stupid's cited source:

Criticism and controversy (Wiki)

Mike Allen [of Axios -- an NBC (Nobody But Clinton) affiliated organization] has attracted criticism for focusing coverage on superficial aspects of politics and of the culture of Washington D.C..[9][1] In November 2013, the Washington Post wrote a lengthy article detailing a payola scandal in which Mike Allen would give favorable coverage in return for advertising dollars.[10] Mr. Allen has refused to publicly comment.[11] Jonathan Chait described Politico's response as 'evasive tripe'.[12] Writing in Salon, Alex Pareene described his work as "indistinguishable from a paid advocate for business interests."[13]

In November 2015, Allen made an apology after the website Gawker reported that he offered to let Chelsea Clinton screen interview questions in advance of a proposed interview. The offer was made in a January 2013 email exchange between Allen and Hillary Clinton aide Philippe Reines. He also promised in the email that the interview would be "no surprises" and "no risk."[14]
StandinStraight's Avatar
Concentrate on your own delusional behavior. Could be the reason you can't find a nice girl, but you have no problem finding all this bullshit to post about Trump. Try diverting your energy to something more positive you're looking really stupid.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Please keep in mind the reason why there are a lot of negative Trump posts is he is doing a lot of negative things! I posted News with links to the stories, they are real and worth discussing! You guys just can't handle the truth!
You guys just can't handle the truth! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

You've not earned the right to quote the great (albeit fictional character) Col. Nathan R. Jessup, maggot.
Please keep in mind the reason why there are a lot of negative Trump posts is he is doing a lot of negative things! I posted News with links to the stories, they are real and worth discussing! You guys just can't handle the truth! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Not one thing has changed in your life since Obama has left. If you're a self reliant strong willed person nothing Trump will or won't do will adversely affect you. It's just your opinions and your little feelings is all you're going on. Those news stories are only there to stir up the shit storm in the feeble minds of disgruntled liberals. Don't be a victim.

StandinStraight's Avatar
Not one thing has changed in your life since Obama has left. If you're a self reliant strong willed person nothing Trump will or won't do will adversely affect you. It's just your opinions and your little feelings is all you're going on. Those news stories are only there to stir up the shit storm in the feeble minds of disgruntled liberals. Don't be a victim.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Your right other than losing my health insurance and paying a 1000 more a year in taxes and watching Russia infiltrate the White House nothing much has happened in less than a month.
LexusLover's Avatar
Your right other than losing my health insurance and paying a 1000 more a year in taxes and watching Russia infiltrate the White House nothing much has happened in less than a month. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Should've paid your premiums, left your stocks alone and not sold them, and quit window peeking at the White House!

As the saying goes:

If you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck!

But the conscious folks posting on here know you make bad choices!
gfejunkie's Avatar
An unnamed "Trump advisor". Hoo boy! Fake news!!!
StandinStraight's Avatar
Should've paid your premiums, left your stocks alone and not sold them, and quit window peeking at the White House!

As the saying goes:

If you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck!

But the conscious folks posting on here know you make bad choices! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well just so you know the republican plans for health care create high risk pools for anyone with any chronic health condition, we are talking about common things like blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, anything at all would knock you into a high risk pool, the premiums would be enormous! So any of you bozo's on medication for anything be prepared! Tax wise any family with children making 50,000 plus a year will pay more in taxes, a family with 3 children 1000 dollars more! Your in for a lot of surprises!
LexusLover's Avatar
Well just so you know the republican plans for health care .... Originally Posted by StandinStraight
... so you've personally seen them. That's good!

Now you can plan ahead for 2018!

I'm not involved in the Obaminable health care fiasco.

Sorry to hear you are!

But you should have listened to Gruber!
StandinStraight's Avatar
... so you've personally seen them. That's good!

Now you can plan ahead for 2018!

I'm not involved in the Obaminable health care fiasco.

Sorry to hear you are!

But you should have listened to Gruber! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Always the wise guy, I know a lot of arrogant morons just like you, all about themselves you can never have a good relationship with anyone cause your ego makes it all about you, that's why your so condescending. Just a sad little guy that has to say hey look at me I drive a Lexus. Dude nobody is impressed, get a life.