
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

  1. any of a number of stout-bodied venomous snakes with coppery-pink or reddish-brown coloration, in particular:

  2. A member of Abraham Lincoln's radical opposition. Elected officials who desired that Lincoln be removed from office. Primarily democrats but there were some republican copperheads in border states.

Was just reading a book by Peter Tsouras and he reminded me of the copperheads. Retired army officer and historian Tsouras is highly regarded. Copperheads exist today. They oppose Trump and believe in by any means necessary. In the government they slow down regulatory changes, sideline orders, purposely screw up orders in order to resist the President. They can be both democrats or republicans.
Lincoln had many arrested and their leader deported to the Confederacy by way of Canada.

I think it's time to bring back this definition.
John McCain and Lindsey Graham come to mind.

  1. any of a number of stout-bodied venomous snakes with coppery-pink or reddish-brown coloration, in particular:

  2. A member of Abraham Lincoln's radical opposition. Elected officials who desired that Lincoln be removed from office. Primarily democrats but there were some republican copperheads in border states.

Was just reading a book by Peter Tsouras and he reminded me of the copperheads. Retired army officer and historian Tsouras is highly regarded. Copperheads exist today. They oppose Trump and believe in by any means necessary. In the government they slow down regulatory changes, sideline orders, purposely screw up orders in order to resist the President. They can be both democrats or republicans.
Lincoln had many arrested and their leader deported to the Confederacy by way of Canada.

I think it's time to bring back this definition. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Uni-Party Pinkos!


  1. any of a number of stout-bodied venomous snakes with coppery-pink or reddish-brown coloration, in particular:

  2. A member of Abraham Lincoln's radical opposition. Elected officials who desired that Lincoln be removed from office. Primarily democrats but there were some republican copperheads in border states.

Was just reading a book by Peter Tsouras and he reminded me of the copperheads. Retired army officer and historian Tsouras is highly regarded. Copperheads exist today. They oppose Trump and believe in by any means necessary. In the government they slow down regulatory changes, sideline orders, purposely screw up orders in order to resist the President. They can be both democrats or republicans.
Lincoln had many arrested and their leader deported to the Confederacy by way of Canada.

I think it's time to bring back this definition. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Only difference is today they are mostly PUSS HEADS.
Alchemist2u's Avatar
Somehow, opposing a Trumped up Presidency soundslike progress.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fucking a.
JCM800's Avatar
...In the government they slow down regulatory changes, sideline orders, purposely screw up orders in order to resist the President. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think that would accurately describe what went on during the last administration as well. Maybe I missed it but there didn't seem to be any outrage or concern for these sort of tactics at that time.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
copperhead faction
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think that would accurately describe what went on during the last administration as well. Maybe I missed it but there didn't seem to be any outrage or concern for these sort of tactics at that time. Originally Posted by JCM800
Demonstrate when that happened? Obama had his full staff, the media on his side, Clinton left overs from the 90s, and a bureaucracy that believed whole heartedly in his dreams. I don't even recall any saying that the couple of token GOP cabinet officer ever tried to slow down anything.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Demonstrate when that happened? Obama had his full staff, the media on his side, Clinton left overs from the 90s, and a bureaucracy that believed whole heartedly in his dreams. I don't even recall any saying that the couple of token GOP cabinet officer ever tried to slow down anything Slow what down? Examples for once would be nice. Maybe a link or 2? . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He's been in office for one fucking month and you're already making excuses for him.
Obama had a full staff after 30 days? And I forget, when was it they admitted he was born in the US? Ever?
The current president stopped running his yap about where he was born in 2015? 2016?

Slowing down? Unfortunately that was all that could be done to keep the romper room gang from getting out..
Perry? DeVos? Flynn? Sessions?
Obama didn't pick a bunch of douche-bags.......a bunch of known douche-bags I should say, to fill his cabinet.

So other than the cabinet, give examples of your claims.

When are you going to face the fact that the lead copperhead happens to have copper colored hair?

Admit it. Trump has no worse of an adversary than himself.

And "the donald" will never admit he can be beaten by "the donald". Just like "the donald" will never admit he can't beat "the donald".

You would think he would wear steel toe shoes due to the number of times he's shot himself in the foot.
He's been in office for one fucking month and you're already making excuses for him.
Obama had a full staff after 30 days? And I forget, when was it they admitted he was born in the US? Ever?
The current president stopped running his yap about where he was born in 2015? 2016?

Slowing down? Unfortunately that was all that could be done to keep the romper room gang from getting out..
Perry? DeVos? Flynn? Sessions?
Obama didn't pick a bunch of douche-bags.......a bunch of known douche-bags I should say, to fill his cabinet.

So other than the cabinet, give examples of your claims.

When are you going to face the fact that the lead copperhead happens to have copper colored hair?

Admit it. Trump has no worse of an adversary than himself.

And "the donald" will never admit he can be beaten by "the donald". Just like "the donald" will never admit he can't beat "the donald".

You would think he would wear steel toe shoes due to the number of times he's shot himself in the foot. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Their really coming out of the woodwork (Termites eating away at the country) now JD. Notice how the left, progressives, liberals get angrier and angrier every time they post.