LyssandraAsh's Avatar
I know for an absolute fact that your allegations against jellybeans are false. I babysat for her while she went to this appointment last night. I was there when she left I was there when she came home I can say for an absolute fact that she did not carry and several TVs or any computers.

Additionally, how is a maybe like 130-135 pound woman going to, on her own, steal a bunch of heavy electronics that would not even fit into her her COMPACT car. I’m sorry but this Is slander. The only party in the situation with a plausible claim that could be held up in court is Jellybeans. I was there when she came home and she even counted the money she made in front of me which was the amount she was supposed to make. There were no new TVs and electronics that made it into our around said house.

This man is now threatening her livelihood by spreading these horrific lies. Appointments have canceled she’s lost money all because he’s too fucked up all the time to know any better about what happened.

In fact, I have firsthand knowledge of this man’s incoherent messaging at strange hours of the night and I can provide those screenshots once Gina grants me access to them since my account is currently inactive. The man has contacted me about four or maybe five times trying to set up an appointment. He even called me twice at 4AM one evening. Not only that but his messages are barely passable enough to be considered English. It’s gibberish. I think someone needs to lay off the sauce

He says there is proof and that she will be arrested but where is this proof? And if there was proof, at least enough to give a reasonable cause to produce an arrest warrant then why aren’t the cops at our hotel.

This man is a [Staff edit. M] sad human being that he felt the need to devote this amount of time to ruin someone’s life so deeply. And for what? Because he can? Because he’s a man so what he says is only second to the word of God? While jellybeans voice as well as my own as a witness are silenced.

He has called her phone every few minutes for the past 4-5 hours. He has threatened her person and continues to harrass her. In fact he is calling now. The most ironic part of the whole situation is that he is now the one commiting a crime. Not only that but one with a paper trail and several witnesses —
Additionally, how is a maybe like 130-135 pound woman going to, on her own, steal a bunch of heavy electronics that would not even fit into her her COMPACT car. Originally Posted by LyssandraAsh

that's what i'm trying to figure out too hah

when I saw the list of what was apparently stolen, I'm like,

"How can Jellybeans take all of those things by herself?!"

tsk tsk tsk... why all the insults?
Those are against the guidelines.


Oh... and to the how?
He was passed out allegedly, there could have been friends with her that only came in after he was unconscious.
Not saying that happened, but that’s one way how.
tpepsi's Avatar
I was there when she came home and she even counted the money she made in front of me which was the amount she was supposed to make. Originally Posted by LyssandraAsh

Why would she feel the need to count her earnings in front of you?
To make the split... lol
Why would she feel the need to count her earnings in front of you? Originally Posted by tpepsi

Good point ....
Drtry1's Avatar
Tpepsi, a little knowledge about Jellybeans and who she is friends with and you too would be questioning the validity of the alert.
LyssandraAsh's Avatar
To make the split... lol Originally Posted by Spit It Out
She was paying me for babysitting and making sure she didn’t get gipped once she was home in a safe place to do so. Why you may ask? Because sometimes we don’t always receive what is expected. Shocking right???

A babysitter for the shenanigans?
That sounds premeditated.
StephenASmith's Avatar
I guarantee is Strawberry causing all this havoc. On the other hand, hookers watching each other’s kiddos. What on earth is going on here ?
All I can say about this is WOW. I’m utterly speechless. I don’t understand how someone can live for so much drama. Holy Moly!

I hope the party involved gets their life together and quick! Texting and calling at 4AM is not good. Mama always said that nothing good goes on past midnight!
I've seen the guy once and once only because of too much sauce...

He has messaged late but I turn my hobby phone off when I'm not available so that's not really an issue for me. They're just seen when I am up.
I guarantee is Strawberry causing all this havoc. Originally Posted by StephenASmith
Negative Ghost rider.

I'm a little too preoccupied with shit relevant to ME at the moment...

See defense exhibit A...

"Ain't nobody got time for that!"
See defense exhibit A... Originally Posted by strawberry skye
I hope that doesn’t add up to $7500. Just kidding.
I hope that doesn’t add up to $7500. Just kidding. Originally Posted by CoverMe
Lol I wish