I am disputing the Review by BIG PURDY.

KittyLamour's Avatar
I am not giving in to this. I changed my mind. Not stooping to that level today. But I was mad as hell!!!!
Guest062512's Avatar
Ummmm... Publishing PM's...
I believe that's a no-no.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Ummmm... Publishing PM's...
I believe that's a no-no. Originally Posted by Crossroads
Crossroads I just removed them I was unaware. I consider it an injustice that these reviews are used to threaten providers. I find it further sickening that they are taken as gospel truth by members when the vast majority of my reviews state the complete opposite. This man has done nothing but reiterate something he knows hurt me in the past and that i worked diligently to prove otherwise. I refuse to take this sitting down. Yeah I am angry. VERY.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I'm sorry it sucked so badly. If he's used this board to post a lie in order to do you harm, I do believe he's just screwed himself more than you. I'm glad you didn't give in to someone just because they threatened you.

I hope it doesn't harm you baby. Good luck.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Thank u Kayla... Support is hugely appreciated.
tramp76137's Avatar
Merci...sorry to hear this happened to such a nice Lady.
mpython1's Avatar
Most of us (hobbyists) look at the overall tone of reviews and tend to reject the ones that contradict the overall picture. You have many outstanding reviews so the one exception should not damage your reputation. Passion is a good thing but passionate anger only hurts the one feeling it. IMHO.
Sorry for the bad one....just brush it off. You can't make everyone happy all of the time girlee.

Mmmm...to be under Mpython again...he he he!
dodger's Avatar
no one review has a great impact. Especially if someone has dozens of other reviews which say something different. I'm not speaking to the accuracy of this specific review. I don't know. Wasn't there. Even if the comments were fair in the author's mind, other folks might have a different experience .. so .. I would allow for that. But I would not dismiss a bad review completely. Just treat it as a data point and be scrupulous and watchful regarding other reviews.

EXCEPTION: The "x-lady and her pimp beat me and robbed me!" Those reviews .. well ... x-lady is not going to hear from me.
BigPurdy's Avatar

First of all I would like to say that once I post on this thread of yours, I do not intend to do so any further. Your dispute is noted and I am perfectly fine with your disagreement. Differences are what make the world go round and are really what this site is based on. Reviews are posted on this site for the purpose of opinionated information based on factual events. When I post a review, it is my perspective of what took place at that time. Your version of that same time span will vary greatly. It's a different perspective of the same activity. The fact that we have different perspectives is a good thing. That doesn't necessarily mean that anyone is lying, it simply means we are different.

I don't know you Merci. From what I have observed, you are a very nice individual, you are very attractive and intelligent. Personally, I think that if the circumstances of our meeting had been different, the overall visit may have been as well. I agonized over writing this review because of what I'm doing right now. I don't have time, patience or the desire to get caught up in some dramatic dispute over a review. The fact is that due to some inherent reasons, we just did not have a pleasurable visit. I'm not going to get into specifics here, but I feel that there is reference material on you that I needs to be revisited. And don't think that I am singling you out, because that can be said for many providers on this site. It's just the way it is and the primary reason for the review process.

You posted our private messages on this thread and for that I'm not happy, but since you did let's lay that to rest. Some of the private things you told me during the visit made me very apprehensive about even reviewing you. I sent you a PM to let you know that I could not write a positive review on you so I was actually contemplating not reviewing you at all. At that time I gave you the opportunity to refute my opinion and if you so desired to show some act of concern to make amends. That was your opportunity to nix the review before it was written. If you took that as an opportunity for me to attempt to receive something for nothing, let me assure you, that's not my style. Nor would I have accepted anything in return as I have no intentions of seeing you again. It was just my way of seeing how you would handle the situation. Bottom line Merci is that we just didn't connect, end of story. My personal opinion is that out of everything that has come from this episode, the far greater issue is that you did not hesitate to post private messages in a thread. Not that i care about anyone reading that one in particular, because I don't, but that could be extremely bad in the wrong scenario.

I will finish up by saying this. Merci, you have excellent reviews along with a couple of not so good. If you had not had good reviews, I would have never seen you to begin with. That review is my opinion, we all have differing opinions. I know that it is difficult to accept a negative opinion about yourself, hell I suck at it. It happens to me daily in the real world, we just have to accept it as constructive criticism and move on.But the unfortunate truth is that this board is designed to have providers reviewed, good or bad. That's the way it is, it's not going to change. No one has forced any of us to be here, we do that of our own free will. My advise to you is to please stop all of the drama, it only serves as a negative. These things would not even be a blip on the radar if you didn't frame them in neon lights. Just my opinion.

I am truly sorry if this review hurt your feelings. That is not the design nor intent. Just do yourself favor, for your on well being, lower the dimmer just a bit.

Sorry for this rambling shit, but I am done. I refuse to get wound up in dramatic rebuttals, therefore I am done with this issue. Take sides if you must, but for me that's not what this is about.

BP Out
Both had their say...ya'll know the rest of my comments.