Hope you guys and gals are alright ...

HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 04-24-2010, 05:16 PM
My thoughts are for you guys and gals that have suffered because of this tornado.

JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Thanks, HSP. I can say that those of us in the Coast and up to Jackson are fine - the worst weather was in north and east Mississippi. This may be a storm of record, since the tornado was possibly on the ground for more than a hundred miles. I'm waiting to hear more about how the rest of the state fared - so far estimates are at least 10 dead and many others injured. I just hope it's no worse than that.
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 04-24-2010, 08:34 PM
I heard Gov. Barbour talking about being one of the worst on record. So I know it as a bad one. Hate to hear about the loss of life!

Yes, everybody check in please. Let us know you're okay.
Thanks for a thread of concern. Those who know me well know that my residential area was one of the hard hit.

I have not been able account for any of my neighbors as you are only allowed to go to your own property and no one elses.

My mind is really still blank but I am keeping my ears and eyes open for ANY news!

One another note:
Apologies to my cancellations this weekend due to not being able to cancel ahead of our scheduled rendezvous times.
Oh KC, you need anything you let me know asap.
Saintsfan's Avatar
Yea, I'm sorry to hear about you, Msspplism, or anyone else that lost anything in the damage . If I can help anyone, please let me know . Hope everyone had a great week ahead .
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar

I hope your property was spared and your neighbors are all well. I know what it's like to return to a disaster area - you are stunned. When you find your friends, it's an incredible relief. When you learn that some are lost, the hurt is deep.

Be careful and stay well.

fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 04-27-2010, 12:38 AM
me and my camper made it out alive...
blink blink
  • Bliss
  • 04-27-2010, 11:28 AM
I am an Arizona girl. I've been out here just over a year now, and the whole tornado thing scares the shit out of me. My husband sits there calmly watching the weather and I am running around like a scared rabbit.

Put me in the 118 degree heat with the scorpions, rattlesnakes, and gila monsters and I'm fine. But this tornado shit gets me skeered.
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 04-27-2010, 08:04 PM
I had to go over to Yazoo City where everyone was talking about the storm hit hardest, and how the entire Yazoo County was devastated by the tornado, and even though I saw a whole lot of destruction (they had reports of winds reach 170 mph which was even stronger than Katrina), I really didn't think the place was devastated.....Choctaw County really got leveled.....With a wide as that storm was, I was really surprised to find out that there wasn't more destruction than I saw.....I was expecting much more deaths and injuries than what was reported.....Don't get me wrong, even tough there were only 10 deaths reported, it's still quite sad (especially when you consider that 3 of the deaths were children, and one of them as young as 3 months), but nothing like what I would have though with a storm of that magnitude.....10 deaths and 12 injuries reported are quite minor in comparison to something like the Big Bitch that blew in almost 5 years ago.....
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
The only good thing about a tornado is that it is relatively tight - affects a "relatively" small area. In that area, though, they are incredibly destructive - often more destructive than any other type of storm over that relatively smaller area.
DallasRain's Avatar
glad yall are allright!!!
Wishing yall good karma!!!
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 04-28-2010, 09:15 AM
The only good thing about a tornado is that it is relatively tight - affects a "relatively" small area. In that area, though, they are incredibly destructive - often more destructive than any other type of storm over that relatively smaller area. Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS
That particular storm was a huge storm system that came to MS from just across the river in LA, and after it cut a wide swath through the MS counties, it went up to AR for a bit, then travelled East and last report was somewhere in the Mid-Atlantic states.....For such a huge storm, I'm still amazed that it really did relatively little damage (of course that's all subjective to who's viewing the damage and from what angle).....I'm probably most saddened by the 3 children that were killed (especially the 3 month old as I can't even begin to imagine the pain her parents are going through right about now).....