fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 06-17-2010, 09:59 PM
There is a new scam going on Ladies..
U park ur auto in a parking area with other vehicles.
When u get ready to leave u look thru the back glass window
in order to back out of the space and there is a piece of paper
stuck to ur back glass ,so u get out and remove it...
someone jumps in your auto and steals it....
also, have someone walk with you to ur car if u can or have
them stand outside their door untill u make it safely to ur car
if u can be seen from the building u visited.
Please list any other scams going on that may be helpful...
bluffcityguy's Avatar
There is a new scam going on Ladies..
U park ur auto in a parking area with other vehicles.
When u get ready to leave u look thru the back glass window
in order to back out of the space and there is a piece of paper
stuck to ur back glass ,so u get out and remove it...
someone jumps in your auto and steals it... Originally Posted by fd150
False, according to
Nothing rules out there having been one carjacking carried out in the manner described that we have yet to hear about. But even if that proves to be the case, there is clearly no crime wave, no ever-present danger to motorists everywhere, no flyer-armed menace lurking in the nation's parking lots. Our law enforcement contacts have also noted that although the process described above could be used by carjackers, they were unfamiliar with any cases of cars being taken in this manner, and the scheme outlined ran contrary to their experience of how carjackers operate.


Yep... is like the one that went around about people asking you to smell perfume in the parking lot..... it seems there is a new variation every few months.
Ladies, always be attentive to your surroundings and be careful! Gentlemen too! (You aren't invincible, ya know!)
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 06-19-2010, 11:06 PM
Please keep the alert section to Hobby related scams and alerts.

fd150's Avatar
  • fd150
  • 06-20-2010, 04:26 AM
it is hobby related....its about being safe when u go to ur car and traveling.......there are men and women that are traveling to and from work...if this is not in the correct place then where does it go?
I have been robbed in broad daylight while traveling and stopped at a
gas station in a nice area and a man robbed me...its a good thing I didn't have much
money on me...and there was a girl at a mall here in Hattiesburg that was picked up by a man that kept her for a month..that happened in the 80's and she lived to tell about it...bless her heart...everyone is at risk these days since the economy is bad and CRIME is UP....