Session 4 Photo's(photograpy)

Questioin here ladies,
I have been approached over 4 times concerning photography in exchange for services. Now, for the fact I don't know these gentlemen and two had porfolios with great work and the other 2 was "iffy", it makes me wonder if a provider could be compromised.
Heard some rumors a while back that some guy wouldn't give a provider her pictures after everything was said and done... he was trying to extend the services into more than one session. hmmmm
I am sure there are legit guys out there doing photography but how are you assure you are going to get the photos
Is this a safety issue?
Is this a moral call of judgement?
All thoughts PLEASE
Have you never heard of TFP (time for prints) or TFCD (digital on a cd)? There are a lot of GWC (guys with cameras) running around pretending to be professional, but they are anything but. You want to be extremely careful in this type of setting. I used to model but did not have a chaperone to keep me safe and I had to run away in several instances because the photographer (even one that shoots for magazines) crossed the line. In short, they should be paying you in pictures or cash (<-- especially if they are nudes) if you are attractive because they have copyrights to the pictures they take. (Meaning that they can put your pics on their websites and make $$$.) Some (the more legit ones) have you sign a contract stating so. I hth!

**Of course, you are attractive. Otherwise, you probably wouldn't be a provider.
Naomi4u's Avatar
My bit of advice: Do not trade sexual services for photos. One word: Tacky.
Anita, there's a lot of good information in the following threads.
John Bull's Avatar
Buy your photos with money and you won't have to worry about these sleazebags.
London Rayne's Avatar
I have no doubt some of these people are very legit, especially a few from Model Mayem; however, I would still not allow someone else to have photos of me unedited with my face showing. You just never know what can happen. Every photo I have ever taken has been with my camera so I had the evidence lol.

I can't stand people who use provider ads to market their own business, so if anyone contacted you that way....I would never use them. If they can't afford to pay for their own ads on eros or wherever and have to spam women who ARE paying to advertise, they are not the kind of person I would ever do business with. It screams "short cuts" to me. If you were all that good, why can't you afford a few extra bucks a month to market yourself? Nuff said. I have never had a real pro spam me for business.
WOW... things I have never thought of and better safe than sorry.
Sugardaddy's Avatar
Have the photographer sign a notorized confidentiality agreement, setting forth specific damages and attorney's fees if violated. Then get your photos copyrighted. Then if they mess with you get an attorney and sue them and any publication or web site that posted your photos in state and federal court, subpoena all there records, get a judgment for damages and a cease and desist order. If they do it again have them held in contempt of court for violating the cease and desist.
Also if photographer takes or keeps photos that he has no right to then you might get the state's attorney to charge them with illegal possession of stolen items or some other felony.
London Rayne's Avatar
After your face is plastered all over your town including your kid's school, it's a bit too late for an Attorney. These are all things you can do AFTER you get fked. No thanks!Get a great camera of pro photographer quality, and pay a pro to take them with that camera....nothing to lose or worry about that way.

Pssst, I thought it was "cease and desist?"
Iaintliein's Avatar
The only way it would work is if you already let your face show in your photos. I've had ladies agree to pose for me, but it was always just that, posing in exchange for photos. I've only asked ladies who show their face, who hadn't at that time used professional photographers and only those I wanted to photograph. Usually, I ask ladies I've had sessions with. But my goal is the enjoyment of the photography.

"Trading" more than posing for photos has many, many pitfalls. I'm not going to paint with too wide a brush, but to me, if it's about more than the fun of photography, things just get too complicated.
You can always use your own SD card in the photographer's camera and they give you the card after the session.
London Rayne's Avatar
That's also a great idea, provided the camera does not have a stored memory function where the pics are kept by pressing a button. There are many pro photographers who are not willing to risk their reputation by doing such things, but I would never let a hobbyist have photos of me unless I knew all of his info. and had a pic of him lol.
Good one London. picture for picture
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 10-23-2011, 10:26 PM
I was just shopping for digital camers the other day online and I found that Samsung makes a dual view or dual screen digital camera that makes it the easiest to take self portraits because you have the viewing screen on the back and the front of the camera.

I've got a photo shoot planned at the end of November with a photog in Atlanta who does most of the TER ladies in that area's pics. But in the next couple of months, I'm going to get one of those Samsung cameras.

Another provider I know asks her clients to take pics of her with her camera during her appointments sort of like as foreplay. Then she's got a couple of new pics and he's gotten worked up from taking her pics himself.