Cash & dash alert - Alexus/Katie in Uniontown

This provider was mentioned in another thread here as being one to avoid, but I have met her a few times in the past 3 years without any incidents and I felt we had developed a good rapport. This time, I was not so fortunate. We made an arrangement through SMS for me to pick her up for an outcall, and when I arrived she asked for a partial deposit to pay off her pharmacy bill before starting the session. This was standard procedure during our previous visits, so I gave her the cash deposit and she went back inside to deliver it and never came back out. All subsequent texts, calls, and door knocks went unanswered. The total agreed-upon amount for our arrangement was for considerably more than the deposit amount, so I naively assumed that she wouldn't jeopardize losing the rest of the potential payment (along with many hundreds in guaranteed future business) over a couple of Grants... well, I was wrong.

Never pay before completing a session unless you are fully prepared to lose that amount with no services rendered. I've been doing this long enough that I should have known better: deposit = scam.
Maybe she has sticky fingers and got "detained".