Remember the crud?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I was talking to a fellow Gulf War veteran today about these kids who are getting sick around the country with an upper respiratory illness. They don't know where it came from and the White House is not releasing any information about illegals and where they put them. This other guy reminded me of the "crud". It was an illness that we all got in the middle east. Almost everyone got some kind of upper respiratory infection but like this in the states, it doesn't hurt adults too much. It is just uncomfortable, kind of like water pressure on your chest in the pool. A lot of spitting and coughing up crap (aka the crud). you think this stuff is coming from the Middle East along with the illegals that are coming from central America? Of course, you have to think that middle eastern terrorist always have a dry run before an attack. Today it could be something fairly benign and tomorrow it could be something pretty bad. We do see how slowly it was to get a response off the ground and that the White House will block any attempt to get information that could be helpful.
While you're at it, why don't you go ahead and blame Obama for Agent Orange!
LexusLover's Avatar
While you're at it, why don't you go ahead and blame Obama for Agent Orange! Originally Posted by bigtex
Now that would be almost as ignorant as blaming Bush II for ISIS/ISIL, since "everyone" knows that JFK started the herbicidal spraying in Vietnam.

How's your cough doing these days?

How's your cough doing these days? Originally Posted by LexusLover
None of your business!
LexusLover's Avatar
None of your business! Originally Posted by bigtex
Of course not.

But whenever did anyone else's business ...

.........give you pause to stick in your nose?

It's ok if you don't have one.

You're a lightweight.

You're a lightweight. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're an Idiot!
LexusLover's Avatar
You're an Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
That's about all a lightweight can say. Everyone else is an "idiot."

Crazy people do the same. Everyone else is "crazy"!!!!

(Note to BigTitsLiarStalker: That school yard shit works on insecure people.)
Everyone else is "crazy"!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I didn't say you were "crazy."

I said you were an Idiot!

You haven't graduated to "crazy" yet!

While on the subject of "Stalking." I could not help but notice that in post #3 of this thread, you were once again "stalking" me! Is this a daily Idiot Klan, errr Clan ritual?
The ailment bothering the kids started in the midwest, did Judy bring it back? Is he a typhoid Mary?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is what I'm talking about. JD brings up a fairly serious situation, and BigAssShits immediately posts some unrelated gibberish, and the thread goes way off track. It simply compounds his stupidity.
The first cases were in California, that was in 1962 when they gave it a name. Looks like Bush and Obama get a pass this time.
LexusLover's Avatar
The first cases were in California, that was in 1962 when they gave it a name. Looks like Bush and Obama get a pass this time. Originally Posted by slingblade
According to the loudest mouths among the Obaminable Faithful in this forum ..... Obama ALWAYS gets a pass.

They are a bit SLOW ... so blaming Bush somehow... will begin ..

....well .. sometime. It's almost inevitable.
LexusLover's Avatar
I could not help but notice that in post #3 of this thread, you were once again "stalking" me! Originally Posted by bigtex
Mr. Paranoid, when someone follows a STALKER they are not STALKING!

Apparently, you never tracked Polar Bear in your "Great White Hunter" days.

Kinda like when some newbie-beginner follows someone into a parking lot and circles around checking their vehicle and all of a sudden sees themselves being looked at by the one they were following through a store window.

You know what I mean?

Like I said: You're a lightweight, and now an Amateur!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
This is what I'm talking about. JD brings up a fairly serious situation, and BigAssShits immediately posts some unrelated gibberish, and the thread goes way off track. It simply compounds his stupidity. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
BigTitsLiarStalker, and his faithless band of Obaminable Apologists, would rather talk about anything RATHER than "current events" ... particularly if it has ANYTHING to do with REALITY.

That's why I kept his pathetic quote from the past below:

"Don't think about the past, think of the future. Look forward, not in the rear view mirror."

The problem is: Since he's looking out of his ass all the time, he thinks it is "forward"!!! Backing up makes it look like it.
The first cases were in California, that was in 1962 when they gave it a name. Looks like Bush and Obama get a pass this time. Originally Posted by slingblade
You gave bigklan the Grand Dragon of the (KKK)D a PASS too... HUH?