Holder to Resign!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I hope the replacement AG for Holder is better, but I doubt it.

He complains he was treated worse than any previous AG..what about Ed Meese?
He was vilified by liberals constantly.

Also, Holder wants to work to "restore" relations between the police and minority communities. That implies they used to be better, but contradicts the liberal narrative of horrible police mistreatment of minorities in the sordid history of America!!!
God knows who Obama will replace him with.....

I did read that Justice Ginsburg said she won't be resigning during Obama's remaining term...she said she needs to stick around to stop the Republican agenda.......can you imagine that? A sitting judge, who is suppose to be impartial.

lustylad's Avatar
Eric Holder is the most thoroughly corrupt AG in US history. He has totally politicized the DOJ and the administration of justice in this country. I doubt whether his successor or anyone else can undo all of the far-reaching damage he has inflicted.
SEE3772's Avatar

This guy should be in prison...
This administration has proven to be nothing but a three ringed circus. The link below is a link to all the clowns that have bailed out under the dysfunctional ring master Barack Obama. It certainly isn't complete without the resignation of Eric Holder.


jedin8's Avatar
God knows who Obama will replace him with.....

I did read that Justice Ginsburg said she won't be resigning during Obama's remaining term...she said she needs to stick around to stop the Republican agenda.......can you imagine that? A sitting judge, who is suppose to be impartial.

http://www.ibtimes.com/ruth-bader-gi...inting-1694374 Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You would think she would resign while Obama can replace her with another Whackadoodle.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-25-2014, 11:06 AM
A Holder resignation is a great reason to celebrate. I hope the next one is better--that is a very low bar to get over--but I have no reason to expect a quality person will be offered or get the job.
boardman's Avatar
This administration has proven to be nothing but a three ringed circus. The link below is a link to all the clowns that have bailed out under the dysfunctional ring master Barack Obama. It certainly isn't complete without the resignation of Eric Holder.


http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-0...administration Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
To be fair, not all of those were scandals like (Lerner) or resignations due to incompetence(Shinseki).

They did miss a few that stood out to me like Van Jones and that Hee Haw idiot he had for a press secretary, Robert Gibbs.
boardman's Avatar
A Holder resignation is a great reason to celebrate. I hope the next one is better--that is a very low bar to get over--but I have no reason to expect a quality person will be offered or get the job. Originally Posted by Old-T
Chica Chaser has some free time.
To be fair, not all of those were scandals like (Lerner) or resignations due to incompetence(Shinseki).

They did miss a few that stood out to me like Van Jones and that Hee Haw idiot he had for a press secretary, Robert Gibbs. Originally Posted by boardman
I am sure not all left because of scandals. I think the majority left because they became disenchanted with this administration.

boardman's Avatar
Deval Patrick and Jeh Johnson rumored to have inside track for nomination. Can anyone spot the common trait? When will this nightmare minstrel show be over?

The Holder era. Third longest serving AG ever, and only AG to be held in contempt of congress. After fumbling the screening Mark Rich and Puerto Rican terrorists for Clinton pardons, Holder himself said that his career should have been over. And then Barry Odumbo to the rescue. What outstanding Holder trait brought him to Odumbo's attention?
Deval Patrick and Jeh Johnson rumored to have inside track for nomination. Can anyone spot the common trait? When will this nightmare minstrel show be over?

The Holder era. Third longest serving AG ever, and only AG to be held in contempt of congress. After fumbling the screening Mark Rich and Puerto Rican terrorists for Clinton pardons, Holder himself said that his career should have been over. And then Barry Odumbo to the rescue. What outstanding Holder trait brought him to Odumbo's attention? Originally Posted by trident60
I hate to say this, but the outstanding trait, if you could call it that is Holder posses an exquisite criminal mind who hides under the umbrella of justice and can do it with a straight face.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-25-2014, 07:37 PM
Chica Chaser has some free time. Originally Posted by boardman
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He wasn't doing the job. Not the first to be replaced.

Let's see how the next AG handles dipshittery on ECCIE!