Defense stocks up big as ISIS crisis escalates

SEE3772's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How convenient.
LexusLover's Avatar
"It's an ill-wind that blows no good."
"It's an ill-wind that blows no good." Originally Posted by LexusLover
I agree! From it's ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 inception, Iraq has been "an ill-wind that blows no good."

It is good to see LLIdiot finally admitting his mistake.
And your point is what SEE?

That WE created ISIS to inflate stock prices? al Qaeda wasn't good enough?

This is the same logic that leads you to thinking that cops cause crime, fireman cause fires, and healthcare companies cause diseases and injury.
This is the same logic that leads you to thinking that cops cause crime, fireman cause fires, and healthcare companies cause diseases and injury. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Had the Eccie Political Forum been around prior to the movie titled "Conspiracy Theory," there would have been more Idiot's to name the character's after.

I have to believe that one of these guys moonlights as a cab driver named
Jerry Fletcher.
LexusLover's Avatar
I agree! From it's ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 inception, Iraq has been "an ill-wind that blows no good." Originally Posted by bigtex
There are meds for that, you know?
Wars are expensive. Somebody has to build all of that high tech ordanance that we see every night on the news.

We have no boots on the ground. But have you thought about how many millions, (maybe billions), a day are spent on this "air campaign"?

Why not just send every member of ISIL a million dollars and a map to the nearest Titty Bar.