Question For Sioux City Men

Guest041817's Avatar
I am coming to town this coming Tues-Thurs and was wondering if there is any interest for me.. I havent been there alot but gonna give it a shot..
How is Sioux city never been there for anything lol is it big or small? I too have thought about coming there I've had a couple of Gents ask me butt not enough to entice me wanting to come there since I've never been there
Guest041817's Avatar
I was there like 3 years ago and it was kinda quiet.. I am hoping this time is different...I see no one really goes there so that could be a good thing or a bad thing lol I guess I will find out this coming week..I will let you know how is goes.
DallasRain's Avatar
I went once and it was too quiet

hope ya have good luck sweety!!
Guest041817's Avatar
Yeah that's what I am thinking its gonna be crickets..I hope I am wrong but you never know.
Guest041817's Avatar
lol Well I arrive in town tomorrow and so far ladies ZERO prebooks..might just end up being a two day vacation...yippee!! Hopefully Des Moines and QC will make up for it before I head home.