How about CR.....

Hello, I am curious to the best hotels to play in Cedar Rapids. Would be grateful if anybody can pm me details!

Thanks !!
staff edit-s31 But most girls stay up on staff edit-s31. on the North side of town.

removing specific location of a provider
mer, I realize you are still a newbie and trying to help, but common sense dictates that discussing locations of providers is best done back channel via PM or email.
Just stay away from 33rd Hon. Make sure you screen well and don't have a revolving door and you should be good
mer, I realize you are still a newbie and trying to help, but common sense dictates that discussing locations of providers is best done back channel via PM or email. Originally Posted by scorpio31
Yes this RIGHT here.
Sorry, my bad. Just trying to help a girl out. Didn't mean to piss off the escort police, jeesh.
monkeyseeyou's Avatar
Hey Mer. It's not a case of pissing off the escort police; it's a case of keeping our ladies safe. It's best not to call attention to anything that might raise eyebrows.
Hey Mer. It's not a case of pissing off the escort police; it's a case of keeping our ladies safe. It's best not to call attention to anything that might raise eyebrows. Originally Posted by monkeyseeyou
See the monkey gets it lol

Personally ..i dont share where i stay even in private communication . And id expect EVERY gent i see NOT to share it privately.. and definitely not an open board where leo is known to be.

Id tell you where to NOT stay if asked lol .
its not that i dont want to help but i like staying in a place where i know its NOT a hot spot for providers. To each their own