Mandela funeral

So inspiring to watch all the funeral and memorial events. Did it get much coverage in the US?

May his memory live on and inspire future generations into action.
Who? Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Aren't you the funny one. Didn't get an invite and feeling sour?
Aren't you the funny one..... Originally Posted by essence
So far....the only one. (besides you)

Didn't get an invite..... Originally Posted by essence
I only check my mail once per month.

..... and feeling sour? Originally Posted by essence
bambino's Avatar
Weekend at Nelson's is over. Thank god. What a kook fest.
xenophobia and latent racism still rule in these parts.

So sad.

Go back to your local American football, or basketball, or baseball, or whatever your local girls' games are called.

Thank goodness I don't fuck any of the girls you loosers fuck.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
One less terrorist/communist..... I'm OK with that.

chicagoboy's Avatar
It's often said that crazy girls are the best fucks. Do you thinck that's what attracted Nelson to Winnie? Discuss.
It's often said that crazy girls are the best fucks. Do you thinck that's what attracted Nelson to Winnie? Discuss. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Yes. She was/is a handful. Feisty girl.

I'm not going to get into a big political discussion, it's quite funny how some equate both association with communism and a fight for freedom as devil-inspired.

US relationship with Cuba is one of the craziest things ever.

You should read what Mandela actually thought of communism and violence, rather than gobbling the gutter.

Of course, many people and politicians have changed their views on the ANC and Mandela over the years. Some of those lauding him now were strong critics 30 years ago.
The main issue is the 'all communists are bad, non-communists are good' mentality.

The fact that he was sympathetic and may have been a communist party member must be considered together with all the other facts of his life. To dismiss him because he associated with Castro and others, or because of his sympathy with other communists, is too simplistic.

Remember Roosevelt and Churchill associated with Stalin? To fight injustice sometimes requires association with strange bedfellows.

One thing is clear about Mandela, he was focussed, disciplined, and pragmatic.

From wiki:

Attending communist talks and parties, Mandela was impressed that Europeans, Africans, Indians and Coloureds were mixing as equals. He stated later that he did not join the Party because its atheism conflicted with his Christian faith, and because he saw the South African struggle as being racially based rather than class warfare.

In 1943, Mandela met Anton Lembede, an African nationalist virulently opposed to a racially united front against colonialism and imperialism or to an alliance with the communists. Despite his friendships with non-blacks and communists, Mandela supported Lembede's views, believing that black Africans should be entirely independent in their struggle for political self-determination.

In July 1947, Mandela rushed Lembede, who was ill, to hospital, where he died; he was succeeded as ANCYL president by the more moderate Peter Mda, who agreed to co-operate with communists and non-blacks, appointing Mandela ANCYL secretary. Mandela disagreed with Mda's approach, in December 1947 supporting an unsuccessful measure to expel communists from the ANCYL, considering their ideology un-African.

When Ramohanoe acted against the wishes of the Transvaal Executive Committee by co-operating with Indians and communists, Mandela was one of those who forced his resignation.

Operating through a cell structure, MK agreed to acts of sabotage to exert maximum pressure on the government with minimum casualties, bombing military installations, power plants, telephone lines and transport links at night, when civilians were not present. Mandela stated that they chose sabotage not only because it was the least harmful action, but also "because it did not involve loss of life [and] it offered the best hope for reconciliation among the races afterward." He noted that "strict instructions were given to members of MK that we would countenance no loss of life", but should these tactics fail, MK would resort to "guerilla warfare and terrorism".

Despite increasing foreign pressure, the government refused, relying on powerful foreign Cold War allies in US President Ronald Reagan and UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; both considered Mandela a communist terrorist and supported the suppression of the ANC.
This is good, and I like many of the comments.
chicagoboy's Avatar
I'm not going to get into a big political discussion ... Originally Posted by essence
Yeah, sure.
Yeah, sure.
Originally Posted by chicagoboy
That's why he started the thread.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
good thing he kept it short......
Yes. She was/is a handful. Feisty girl. Originally Posted by essence
She was a piece of shit terrorist that her husband divorced for being a piece of shit terrorist.

US relationship with Cuba is one of the craziest things ever. Originally Posted by essence
Really? Wait..................the Soviet Union didn't put nukes ninety miles off the sovereign shores of the UK because??? Oh, that's right, the sun had set. When the Castros shuffle off the mortal coil, the embargo will be lifted.

You should read what Mandela actually thought of communism and violence, rather than gobbling the gutter. Originally Posted by essence
He was righteous and a true humanitarian.