Trump Tells Christians They Won’t Have to Vote in Future 54:32

Look at my signature. Wait for the Trumpists to say "Well, what Trump meant to say was...'

Yea, everyone can see what he meant. Elect Trump and he will be the last President you ever vote for. Because he'll find a way to shit in the white house until it turns brown
He repeated himself, too. It wasn't a gaffe. He really will act as a dictator. And his pet Supreme Court has already set the table for him to do so.

It's America or trump. Pick a side.
He repeated himself, too. It wasn't a gaffe. He really will act as a dictator. And his pet Supreme Court has already set the table for him to do so.

It's America or trump. Pick a side. Originally Posted by tommy156
... Trump IS on the side of America... Look at the polls!

#### Salty
... Trump IS on the side of America... Look at the polls!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Lol. Yes, look at the polls. Kamala is gaining bigly on that unAmerican, wannabe fascist MFer.
HDGristle's Avatar
Is simpler than you think it is. He doesn't give a fuck about 2028 or beyond.

He wants the "lazy" Christians that routinely don't turn out to turn out one time to get him elected. His goal is to mobilize since he's shitting the bed at growing the tent. Harris has erased the gains he was making against Biden across a variety of demos.
Is simpler than you think it is. He doesn't give a fuck about 2028 or beyond. Originally Posted by HDGristle

Correction. He doesn't give a fuck about anyone other than himself.

And of course... 'Well, what Trump meant was....'

We all heard him. He said it twice. He's going to 'fix it', and 'it' can be interpenetrated as the country, the election or both.

He said that you won't have to vote in any election ever again. Sure, if you take both of these statements without each other's context, it sounds like Trump wants the lazy Christians to go out and vote for him now and then never again because they are lazy Christians who never vote... but in context, no. That's not what he is saying.

Trump isn't very smart. He lies, and he isn't very smart. He was without a doubt, confirming that he's going to 'fix the elections' so he remains in office forever. He already tried to overturn the results on J6. He already said he isn't going to accept the results.

They are saying the quiet parts out loud now. Their goal is to turn the country into a dictatorship, not dissimilar to China, North Korea, Russia.... the same countries that Trump said he 'likes the way they operate' about their fascist leaders.

But sure. Stay on the Titanic while it's at a 25 degree slant. They said it was unsinkable. It's impossible that it is sinking. Surely, this is the neat 'extended view' feature that they said about one drunken evening. Sure. I mean, they are a good businessman. They said a lot of words that sounded good, no sink, impossible. I'm going to believe what the fat fuck in the suit said rather than what my own eyes are telling me. Why are there so many women and children in the boats? Don't they know that those things can flip over in the water? HA! They're going to drown. Hey where's all this water coming from?
Ona said
“Trump isn't very smart. He lies, and he isn't very smart. He was without a doubt, confirming that he's going to 'fix the elections' so he remains in office forever. He already tried to overturn the results on J6. He already said he isn't going to accept the results.”

Exactly! He’s actually dumb. But the problem is his fan base isn’t very smart. You can throw fact after fact at them and the only response is “that’s not what he meant” or “look at the polls”.
Funny I actually agree with much of his policies and I would gain financially if he was elected. It’s just that he’s a terrible human and terrible for our constitution.
HDGristle's Avatar
You calling me a Trump supporter, ona?

You calling me a Trump supporter, ona?

Originally Posted by HDGristle
Ah, no, sorry. That wasn't my intention.

But what I said is absolutely true. The MAGAs are already saying that isn't what Trump meant.

Trump's camp is crashing and burning. They can't wait until next January so they can try their tonka tike insurrection.
"trump tells it like it is"

"That isn't what trump meant"

These two lines come out of his idiotic supporters' mouths frequently, and without a hint of irony.