Summons for Jury duty on the CristiCutiepie versus longhornz trial!

Chincho's Avatar
You have heard testimony from both sides so let's vote!
Im not gonna be sequestered right?
Bob McV's Avatar
Im not gonna be sequestered right? Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
There is a 12 angry men joke here somewhere...
$60 wow she is cheap
Chincho's Avatar
Yes I'll keep you locked up in my room and pay you 6 dollars a day !
Precious_b's Avatar
Not many people get a Poll for their birthday here.
blasphemouse's Avatar
I haven't seen a Piņata at a birthday party in a while... Oh wait. Never mind. Situation remedied.
I'd rather watch this...

flinde's Avatar
Last thing we needed was a new thread on this kerfuffle. I'mkinda neutral here. CCPcould still be guilty as charged, yet be a great lay. One thing has little or nothing to do with the other. If you are hitting the young stuff you gotta learn to roll with stuff like this.

I don't know if she is a good lay or not, she is a little young for the flinde harem. But if she is a good lay, then just approach with caution. Problem solved.

A wise man once told me that happiness is inversely proportional to expectations.

I saw something a little different in ccp's initial post - loneliness. Looking for companionship to go to a stinking movie. Felt a little sorry for her. Then the dash. We all know what we are not talking about re the dash because the subject is prohibited here. Feel sorry for her again to probably be that caught up in things.

Anyway sometimes 100 or 160 buys a great lay. Sometimes you just get fucked. Gotta accept that as part of this thing of ours and move on.

Be careful out there.

Gonna hit one of the flinde harem this afternoon and I know things will be amazing. Why? Maturity. If you can't take the flakiness of the young stuff without bitching when you get fucked, then move on to the mature hoes.
flinde's Avatar
And give her back her fucking coat.what the fuck is that - a trophy? This winter is a bitch and no one deserves to be freezing. Especially over something so trivial. Cause if that $ isn't trivial you have no business in the game.
longhornz's Avatar
Hey flinde,
I've sent her text, pm, and mentioned it on alert thread I have her coat. I'm not a bad guy, as you are trying to make it seem, like I am playing keep away with her coat.
I am a gentleman to the fullest. That's all I have to say.
Misscutitepie you can contact me to get your coat back. I will even take it back to the movie theatre and have them hold it for you, if need be.
flinde's Avatar
Oh longhorn I never said you were a bad guy. You seem okay to me. I'm just saying that crap like this comes with the territory.
longhornz's Avatar
I know this Flinde. I too stay away from the younger gals and try to stick with more known well established providers, ex. Sonya Playmate.

I never once bitched or complained about the situation. It is what it is. I simply put an Alert out there so if others wanted to partake in this movie offer/deal, I shared my experience much like anyone would in an independent review. If others want to go ahead with this deal and get fucked in the non-hobby way, then this deal is out there and available.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Longhornz behavior has been better than mine would've been under the circumstances. I tip the proverbial cap to you, sir.

As to the dame, why she didn't post about his bad hygiene or attempts to bareback her - the kind of stuff she definitely does not do, under ANY circumstances - is beyond me. I thought that was cash and dash (and bad review) Protocol #1.

Oh, well. And Flinde made some very good points. Too many good points. I have to now back the hate wagon back into the garage. I so wanted to go for a ride today. (maybe a trip to Austin?)
Drtry2's Avatar
Does the continued bashing of CCP Really advance the participation of the ladies on this board? I'm all for quality alerts like what Longhornz posted but not for the pile on of degrading comments that always seem to follow.

It would be nice to see more appreciation post's!