Question About K During Flu Season?

uparoundnoon's Avatar
Question. Guys here always talk about FootLong's famous 4 food groups of GFE. Now I have to agree with this definition. These are components of the session that help guys connect in their mind and then the dick follows by responding. For me I can even wave the bbbj before the K because K is what really makes me feel "this girl doesn't think I'm horrible". Even if it is light K.

But I have a provider who I see regularly who is sexy and fun enough I bypass her lack of K and even bbbj (don't want to discuss bbbj because it is beaten to death here as a topic) because she is sweet and very attractive. Well she told me when she first entered the hobby years ago she did K and since she's hot guys were stacking up. Her second week into providing was during colds/flu season she caught a cold and was out a few days. Then she continued and 2 weeks later she caught the flu and was out for 2 weeks. She returned and stopped kissing from them on.

So what do you guys and gals think of this? We sometimes require it or it's a "dealbreaker" but IT IS ABSOLUTELY the best way to transfer a virus besides injecting it.
FootLong's Avatar
I never get the flu, so I have never really considered this. It will be interesting to see the responses. I know a guy who won't even see a provider if she does not kiss, and it has to be more than just LK.

Good post.
If you are in HUGGING someone with the flu and that person BREATHS ON YOU... Sorry... If you LAY on their bed... Sorry...

According to the NIH:


How Flu Spreads:

Coughing and Sneezing

People with flu can spread it to others up to about six feet away. Flu viruses spread mainly through tiny droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze, or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or be inhaled into the lungs.

Surfaces and Objects

People can also be exposed to flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their mouth, eyes, or nose. Studies have shown that human flu viruses generally can survive on surfaces between two and eight hours.

Hand washing with soap and warm water can help people avoid becoming infected by flu virus. If soap and water are not available, an alcohol-based hand rub may be substituted. Linens, eating utensils, and dishes used by people who are sick should not be shared without washing thoroughly first.

The Flu Is Contagious(...)

The ONLY way I found to decrease the chances of getting sick is to avoid hobbying when not feeling well, living a healthy lifestyle , taking vitamins, and sleep (unfortunately, not something I am good at)
It depends, I feel it's a big component, but there have been times where I passed because of lack of attraction. I have a pretty good immune system, but would not knowingly kiss someone who is sick. Actually I avoid sick people at all costs. It does probably help to keep a certain amount of germs around for you to build immunity to. And I would hope a provider would cancel on me if she wasn't feeling well, because I won't be showing up sick. But ultimately I would not schedule with a provider if she doesn't at least lfk.
pickupkid's Avatar
I went to a session..and the Provider had 104 fever...never the less I got out of there.
How about getting the flu shot. It isn't 100% effective, but it's better than nothing.

If anything, you'll be strengthening your immune system.
How about getting the flu shot. It isn't 100% effective, but it's better than nothing.

If anything, you'll be strengthening your immune system. Originally Posted by Simon Riley

It's like 25$ at Walgreens and well worth it.

I also take airborne during flu season, vitamin c pills and b12 shots.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
FYI,saw a piece on the news that this years strain of flu is very bad and shot is only 21% effective,as last years. JS
FYI,saw a piece on the news that this years strain of flu is very bad and shot is only 21% effective,as last years. JS Originally Posted by Keyzer Soze
There have been years where it is as low as 10% effective so yes that is something to consider although I don't mind getting poked for a sec just on the off chance it may work.
I agree with Camille. The flu is contagious. I won't see a provider if I'm sick. It's a plain and simple courtesy text to let each other know.
FYI,saw a piece on the news that this years strain of flu is very bad and shot is only 21% effective,as last years. JS Originally Posted by Keyzer Soze
21% is better than 0%.
blasphemouse's Avatar
I guess I'll take 21% than 0... 0% is like what? "Your definitely gonna catch it" ratio? It's basically saying without, your gonna catch it 100%? How do they get these statistics... I demand cited sources.
uparoundnoon's Avatar
Just as civilized people we are conscious of not getting intimate if we aren't feeling well. BUT every epidemiologists will tell you that the hardest part of controlling an epidemic is the most contagious you are is RIGHT BEFORE you get sick. The symptoms appear when the body is fighting back usually on the way to victory,

I would never see a girl when I felt unwell because the session is no fun and probably won't work. But I did have the hots fur a stripper years ago and she told me she wasnt feeling that well and I said I didn't care if she didn't mind. We went ahead and did the session and even DFK and 3 days later I was the sickest I ever was in my life. Shows again the power of the little head when at attention.

Also as a hobbyist I need some lip action even if it's a few pecks AND although it's true what CF said about hugging and surfaces etc.. I know an MD who doesn't even like to shake hands.Sure thats true because they can carry airborne but saliva is A LOT more contagious.
  • mrour
  • 01-18-2015, 11:28 AM
Not kissing someone does not guarantee you won't get sick. In fact the cold virus is not transmitted through the saliva.
Exithere's Avatar
Question. Guys here always talk about FootLong's famous 4 food groups of GFE. Now I have to agree with this definition. These are components of the session that help guys connect in their mind and then the dick follows by responding. For me I can even wave the bbbj before the K because K is what really makes me feel "this girl doesn't think I'm horrible". Even if it is light K.

But I have a provider who I see regularly who is sexy and fun enough I bypass her lack of K and even bbbj (don't want to discuss bbbj because it is beaten to death here as a topic) because she is sweet and very attractive. Well she told me when she first entered the hobby years ago she did K and since she's hot guys were stacking up. Her second week into providing was during colds/flu season she caught a cold and was out a few days. Then she continued and 2 weeks later she caught the flu and was out for 2 weeks. She returned and stopped kissing from them on.

So what do you guys and gals think of this? We sometimes require it or it's a "dealbreaker" but IT IS ABSOLUTELY the best way to transfer a virus besides injecting it. Originally Posted by uparoundnoon
like you, K is a big part of the experience for me. I am fortunate that I am one of those lucky individuals that does not get sick often but if I am not feeling well I sure won't go to a session and expose someone to something I might be coming down with. I hope that the ladies I choose to see will do the same. Bottom line though is that if you choose to partake you also take the risk.