Update on Trophies

mirandalee's Avatar
I called the club yesterday they are closed for remodeling lol...
ck1942's Avatar
Guessing they could not operate on $1.99 cheeseburgers, which we certainly tasty, but the entertainment was way less than filling.
mirandalee's Avatar
In my opinion it was ghetto as hell I went there with another dancer to check it out and some guy went crazy and stabbed someone so we left.
Remodeling the inside or the dancers?
Already a thread on this starting Dec 9: https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2252984
mirandalee's Avatar
I know there is a thread started just letting people know what owner said yesterday just keeping my stripper lovers updated lol..
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
U r hot Miranda!!
In my opinion it was ghetto as hell I went there with another dancer to check it out and some guy went crazy and stabbed someone so we left. Originally Posted by mirandalee
Sounds like a stellar establishment!!! Anyone got the 411 on when they will be reopen???
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... some guy went crazy and stabbed someone ... Originally Posted by mirandalee
Were they fighting over you, doll?
DocHolyday's Avatar
Guessing they could not operate on $1.99 cheeseburgers, which we certainly tasty, but the entertainment was way less than filling. Originally Posted by ck1942
Thanks for that candid Intel. report CK.

“Entertainment was way less than filling.” An interesting play on words CK. BRAVO!!
mirandalee's Avatar
So true CK I thought I was in a rap video all them huge black girls lol... they at least were able to dance though... Many dancers had money in trash bags so at least they would bank.