Password requirements?

What are the requirements for a password here? I'm asking because I couldn't log in after creating my account and had my login details saved to my password manager, specifically a 64 character password.

I know the info is correct because my PW manager filled it in for me, yet I got a wrong info error when trying to log in. Do you guys have some silly low limit on the amount of characters a password can be? If so, there needs to be a warning when creating an account.

So, specifically, are upper, lower, number, special chars all able to be used? And what is the character limit? Need to know this before I set my new password after resetting it.
They run an unknown version of vbuliten. 50 Characters is the default maximum value in 3.8 and 4.0, don't think that has been changed over the years. The hash in the database is stored as 32 characters.

Good enough to safeguard my fictional accounts.
Ah, didn't think to check what they're running, kudos. Looks like it's 3.8.9 according to wappalyzer. Though hashes being md5 is pretty goddamned bad. But it's as you say, just gotta not have any links to IRL info.

It seems that the requirements are =< 50, upper, lower, numbers. No special chars.