Will eccie be shut down next? Join my email list.

CL personals? Gone. CityVibe? Gone. TER US ads? Gone. Best GFE ads? Gone.

If you are a current or potential client please join my email list. Email me at bustybabygirl69@gmail.com and put Albany in the subject line.

Gmail is actually starting to remove escort email addresses so I will have everything backed up as a precaution.

My phone number is 267-380-0382. Girls, now is the time to cover your bases.
ChocolateChipCharlie's Avatar
I’m surprise Backpage is not gone yet??? Glad you are trying to be proactive.. I wonder if they could shut down this site?
TreeBark's Avatar
i think it's only a matter of time before all are shut down.
It's too bad. The statistics on sex workers when the internet disappears for them are really bad. Disease rates shoot up, violence shoots up, etc.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
A lot of sites or sections of sites are dropping like flies.

P411: P39146 or Mocha

With TER's USA ad sections going down, Cityvibe biting the dust, CL personals kicking the bucket and bestgfe removing ads. Things are getting crazy. I might get some social media (Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat) but...still undecided about that. A lot of ladies currently using social media are rebranding their profiles on their right now (at least they should be).

I'm watching Indys, Nightshift, GBN and a few other sites like hawks right now.
BP likes a fight (or more like a roach where you can stop it but it's hard to kill)...I don't think they're going down fully anytime soon.

ECCIE is like a reboot of ASPD/ERAPS ... if this goes down it'll probably rise up as something ese.

Do you know where the ECCIE servers are hosted, US or foreign soil? If foreign soil, can those laws be enforced?
I know the Canadian CL personals section is alive and well. If you attempt to view a US posting from the Canadian CL, it is blocked like the US CL personals, but the Canadian posts are view-able.

I hate to think of a world so f#cked up that folks would need to rely on an eMail distribution list or private web site/blog.
Randilyn's Avatar
if the shit hits the fan ..... I'm moving to Canada ... this country sucks..!!! we are no longer "home of the free and land of the brave " we are more like "home of the unfree and land of you cant do this that and the other thing!!!" meanwhile they still want us to pay taxes to be told what we can and cant do ..... sad VERY SAD !!!

Do you know where the ECCIE servers are hosted, US or foreign soil? If foreign soil, can those laws be enforced?
I know the Canadian CL personals section is alive and well. If you attempt to view a US posting from the Canadian CL, it is blocked like the US CL personals, but the Canadian posts are view-able.

I hate to think of a world so f#cked up that folks would need to rely on an eMail distribution list or private web site/blog. Originally Posted by tonyTF
It's a minimum contacts question for whether a foreign website/ISP is subject to US laws if they try to enforce them in a US court. It's also a question as to where the website is located. For example, Argentina could give a shit about US internet laws and the US gov't will probably be hard pressed to enforce any US ruling there. However, that doesn't mean a ruling in a US court won't block that website from being accessible from the USA.

For example with ECCIE, lets assume it's hosted in a place like Argentina. Considering the sheer amount of users and specifics to the USA I'd say it is more than passively reaching the USA and would be subject to some form of jurisdiction in US courts. Lets assume the USA wins some sort of battle to shut it down (kind of like they did the backpage escort section). The US gov't would be hard pressed to actually force the shutdown of the website itself because they would need the Argentinian gov't to pursue it. However, I imagine that means they could block access to it from networks in America.

I am a plaintiff's personal injury attorney. So I don't really know much about internet based laws, server locations, foreign enforcement, etc. That's my best guess considering past news and whatnot. IMO hosting a site like this on a US server is just dumb. Most of the shutdowns recently are voluntary and preemptive to avoid criminal liability which is what the US gov't failed to get in the backpage cases, hence the change in the law. The personal repercussion changes vastly when it goes from civil enforcement on an entity to criminal prosecution on the owners personally.

EDIT: This also assumes ONLY the US gov't seeking censorship. Private entities can censor websites, for example google could completely delete a site like eccie from its search results. Whoever eccie uses for anti-ddos and protections could withdraw service essentially ending the website (like they did with the dailystormer). There's a whole bunch of issues. Whoever they use for their DNS could cut them off.
pikelbouldershoulder's Avatar
This is a nice time to remind everyone that using a VPN to browse ECCIE and other adult sites is a really good idea, even when using your phone. Eccie thinks I am in Vietnam at the moment.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Annnnndddd Nightshift (nightshift.co) is toast! smh...another site bites the dust.
I think there is information on server location(s) in the global general section. I don't remember 100%, but I don't think they are based in the US.

And yea if they can't shutdown the site but restrict access from a US based ISP/IP a good VPN (even when not browsing sites like this, with the access the gov't has to potentially monitor you) and a good non-US based antivirus/antimalware program.

I wish providers would start using encrypted email as well, like protonmail. Its only effective if both parties use it. And, encrypted texting apps if some don't have a non identifiable burner phone.
I know a lot of girls do plan to switch over to proton for email but it is a process changing business emails when you have a lot of contacts and a lot of important emails saved. I have secured my username of choice on proton but have not switched over to using it yet.
Guest072118's Avatar
As for gmail they are targeting those that have porn etc stored in their Google Docs. They are not going to be able to track down every escort gmail without that. I have back up but Im not worried about my gmail at all.

Some of these sites are pulling their ads prematurely IMO. BP is still running and they are one of the biggest targets of all the sites out there. LOL

And regardless they are never going to stop prostitution on the net and hit all sites, way too much time and resources will be used for nothing. They just wont spend the time/money. Underground sites will open, its not like they dont already exist.

Escorting is not illegal. Porn sites will keep going just like escorts will.

My hunch tells me Eccie wont go anywhere just some things may change like them pulling gals showcases under 21. They already started doing it. staff edit -pk

Eccie is small potatoes compared to sites like TER.
Maybe it will be fine. But 99% of my business comes from Eccie. So in the event that something happens, I’m going to be covered. I at least want discrete contact info for all established clients. Most just text me and I don’t send out blind texts to most clients.
kayleemarie's Avatar
@ BBG.... I just commented on the national board in discussion on stored info? Why would you keep more than names, email address, and phone number on a client? I would not want that kind of info laying around anywhere, I am sure the gentleman that sent it to you would not either. I delete and dump as soon as screening is finished. I don't think there should be any record of contact ever kept except name and number.