Gun control is racism and those who support it...racists.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Ida B. Wells, a black, female journalist of 100 hundreds ago, said that a Winchester should be on a place of honor on the mantel of every black family. She also said that every black man who was lynched was not armed. She should know, she wrote the definite book on lynchings in the democratic south.
The first gun control laws were designed to disarm or prevent former slaves from getting weapons. You're a southern democrat riding around in the night wearing a bed sheet. Do you want to be shot by former slave? Not really. So by the light of day, that same southern democrat would create laws to disarm his nocturnal victims.
All this talk about bump stocks, braces, and assault weapons is just window dressing for the left. Most gun murders are done with pistols and not rifles. Plain old pistols in the hands of incompetents who don't know about bump stocks or braces. You can't hold a gun in the sideways, gangster style with a brace.
The most violent cities in this country have the most restrictive gun laws and those laws are used against the law abiding trying to defend themselves. My own personal experience, as a robbery victim, is that prosecutors drop most gun charges in order to get a defendant to cop to a lesser charge.
One good thing is that Biden is now exposed for the radical that he is. And by Biden, I really mean those around him who are pulling the strings. Guns owners are not just conservatives or republicans. As Admiral Yamamoto said in 1941, "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant."
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden is no radical. He’s nothing, a placeholder who lacks the capacity to make even bad decisions.
HedonistForever's Avatar
self deleted
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
For the benefit of the woke moderator, no one has been accused of anything. I have no idea who on this site supports these gun control measures. I am saying that anyone who does has to know the racist origins of gun control.
bambino's Avatar
Ida B. Wells, a black, female journalist of 100 hundreds ago, said that a Winchester should be on a place of honor on the mantel of every black family. She also said that every black man who was lynched was not armed. She should know, she wrote the definite book on lynchings in the democratic south.
The first gun control laws were designed to disarm or prevent former slaves from getting weapons. You're a southern democrat riding around in the night wearing a bed sheet. Do you want to be shot by former slave? Not really. So by the light of day, that same southern democrat would create laws to disarm his nocturnal victims.
All this talk about bump stocks, braces, and assault weapons is just window dressing for the left. Most gun murders are done with pistols and not rifles. Plain old pistols in the hands of incompetents who don't know about bump stocks or braces. You can't hold a gun in the sideways, gangster style with a brace.
The most violent cities in this country have the most restrictive gun laws and those laws are used against the law abiding trying to defend themselves. My own personal experience, as a robbery victim, is that prosecutors drop most gun charges in order to get a defendant to cop to a lesser charge.
One good thing is that Biden is now exposed for the radical that he is. And by Biden, I really mean those around him who are pulling the strings. Guns owners are not just conservatives or republicans. As Admiral Yamamoto said in 1941, "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant." Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I believe the Japanese Admiral also said you can’t invade America because the population is well armed.
winn dixie's Avatar
Good post. Welcome back Barley
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, an armed American behind every blade of grass.
Levianon17's Avatar
I believe the Japanese Admiral also said you can’t invade America because the population is well armed. Originally Posted by bambino
It's going to stay that way too. Screw these fucking Liberals.
rexdutchman's Avatar
You forgot the liberal progressives are the jim crows
ICU 812's Avatar
The discussion of how un -armed blacks were oppressed during the time of slavery and during the time of Jim /crow reinforces and validates the old NRA bumper sticker slogan:

"An armed man is a citizen. An un-armed man is a subject."
ICU 812's Avatar
The ubiquity of firearms in Chicago, LA and NYC invalidates the concept of strict gun control.

Banning the so-called "Ghost Guns" may dry up the supply of the 80% receiver parts, but the technical information for creating shop-built or craft firearms is widely distributed and well known. The tools and equipment needed are common in many auto mechanic operations . . .many farmers have the stuff as well. ACE Hardware has much of the materials.

A total ban on any and all firearms (let alone "assault weapons") is also a a horse that has left the barn. I have seen estimates that there are 450 million firearms already in private hands in the USA. Even if the authorities ever managed to take 80% of them out of circulation it would still leave 90 million floating around.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Let's take that 80% as a setpoint, how much money, time, and lives would it take to achieve that goal. Even if most gun owners complied there would still be hundreds of shootings in defense of constitutional rights.
ICU 812's Avatar
Shootings? Well maybe some. It is easy to talk tough; "Come and take them" and " . . .cold dead hands." , that sort of thing. Most folks won't engage the police, National Guard or who-ever in a gunfight.

Anyone with a brain can understand that in this sort of thing, the authorities can always bring in more back-up than any civilian can handle. However you feel about these events, Ruby Ridge and The Branch Davidians could not prevail.. . .whatever the right or wrong of it was.

Instead, I think most non-compliant gun owners would just get a shrivel and plant them.
Racism is infrastructure.
I like how OP uses southern democrat over and over, because he is so uneducated to know the parties switched in the 1960's and 70's.

The Democratic south was where the Conservative party rules and the liberal Republicans ruled the north.

Nothing like using words that changed definition 100's of years ago to talk about things happening now.