CEOs say higher taxes makes them less competitive

I don’t understand why Americans care about competitiveness of Corporations when we hear constantly that businesses are to earn profits, not worry about hiring workers.

Well, I say fuck corporations and also say, get your products out of the US market.

Lower taxes didn’t result in more hires or higher wages, not surprisingly. But somehow raising their taxes does the opposite.

I hate how people worship corporations like they are the only people who can bottle water and sew a pair of jeans.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Higher tax s will be passed on to the end users you and me , lowing tax s has always caused more jobs
Polls yea okay
Higher tax s will be passed on to the end users you and me , lowing tax s has always caused more jobs
Polls yea okay Originally Posted by rexdutchman
keep drinking the koolaid.

why are non-union Kia's the same retail as union made Fords ?
bambino's Avatar
keep drinking the koolaid.

why are non-union Kia's the same retail as union made Fords ? Originally Posted by bf0082
Kias are higher quality. I’ve owned both and there’s no comparison. My Telluride is more Audi than Ford. Ford makes good trucks. Actually, a similarly priced Explorer was 2k more. Interior materials were cheap. Kia, 10yr/100,000 mile warranty. Ford, 3yr/36 mile warranty.
LexusLover's Avatar
keep drinking the koolaid. Originally Posted by bf0082
What do you care? You still live in NY? 48 other states are bailing you all out of your self-indulgence policies. California is the other broke state getting bailout funds from the other 48. Welfare states for sure.
  • Tiny
  • 04-12-2021, 11:52 AM

I don’t understand why Americans care about competitiveness of Corporations when we hear constantly that businesses are to earn profits, not worry about hiring workers.

Well, I say fuck corporations and also say, get your products out of the US market.

Lower taxes didn’t result in more hires or higher wages, not surprisingly. But somehow raising their taxes does the opposite.

I hate how people worship corporations like they are the only people who can bottle water and sew a pair of jeans. Originally Posted by bf0082
You've got it backwards. If you leave more money in the private sector, by taxing it less onerously, businesses have more money to expand and hire people.

Lower taxes result in more hires and higher wages and higher GDP growth. A large part of the reason we had close to record low unemployment in 2019, for whites, blacks and Hispanics, was because of lower corporate taxes. A large part of the reason why median household wages shot up more in 2019 then they did during the entirety of the Bush and Obama administrations was because of lower corporate taxes.

Biden wants to take the corporate rate back to 28%. Add another 4% or 5% for state income taxes and we go from being very competitive to having the among the highest corporate tax rates in the world. True, a lot of corporations are able to take advantages of loopholes to lower their effective tax rates. But many others are not.

You want corporations to "get your products out of the US market"? Are you proposing we go back to the stone age? No cars, no electronics, no supermarkets? We live off the land?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Less competitive on the worldwide stage yes.
28 is to much.
But, the 21 the US is at is to low.
I could throw stats that indicate 24% to 26% is the average. But, do we subtract state income tax rate from whatever.
bambino's Avatar
Less competitive on the worldwide stage yes.
28 is to much.
But, the 21 the US is at is to low.
I could throw stats that indicate 24% to 26% is the average. But, do we subtract state income tax rate from whatever. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Ireland’s is 12%
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yes, they want the international business.
I've lived this.

It's not just the "Corporate Tax Rate". Corporation are sending jobs, companies and processes overseas. Why? They don't have to pay those people FICA and healthcare. If they want to add debris to the Indian Ocean plastic wyre, go right ahead. Throw tons of smoke in the air that the company wouldn't dare try here, go ahead.

Don't even think about the long term liability you incur by having everything based here. One day XOM will be sued into oblivion for "Carbon Crimes" like that one drug manufacture was for ***forbidden topic.***

Next thing you know you are at the mercy of China to manufacture masks to fight a pandemic that China unleashed.
What do you care? You still live in NY? 48 other states are bailing you all out of your self-indulgence policies. California is the other broke state getting bailout funds from the other 48. Welfare states for sure. Originally Posted by LexusLover
this is what uneducated adults in the usa post, their opinions with no facts.

the three highest GDP states are CA Texas, and NY, I love how dumb Trump made people with his lies.

Hate to tell you Tiny, but another company would produce the same things, corporate or small business, as long as a market exists, the products will be there.

I have no fear of kicking Corporate entity out of the USA market, I'm confident our small business will always fill the void.

I do believe your stats are including minimum wage increases to $15, nothing to do with corporate tax decreases, the timing was just the same, the results are there for you to cherry pick.....
apple phones are made in china for no reason except to make insane profits, the cost of an iphone is $200, made in the USA would increase the cost $5 per phone.

500% iphone markup....... none of it for labor costs.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
apple phones are made in china for no reason except to make insane profits, the cost of an iphone is $200, made in the USA would increase the cost $5 per phone.

500% iphone markup....... none of it for labor costs. Originally Posted by bf0082


the very reason it is as cheap as it is, is the LABOR Cost from CHINA.

How much would an all-American iPhone cost?
About $2,000 according to two reports, one recent and one from 2014.

an iphone would cost TWICE as much.

prove me wrong.

the very reason it is as cheap as it is, is the LABOR Cost from CHINA.
How much would an all-American iPhone cost?
About $2,000 according to two reports, one recent and one from 2014.

an iphone would cost TWICE as much.
prove me wrong. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I read the first two sentences and have come to the conclusion you can't read.

The article you mention says all parts and labor made in the USA, not assembled in the USA of foreign parts. Why on Earth would Apple manufacture each part of their phone, only a retard would think that.

Apple buys parts from all major computer chip manufacturers for christs sake....

I used the motto - made in the USA, and apparently I need to clarify that, to mean assembled in the USA.

No reasonable person with any knowledge of how things are bought and manufactured would believe, made in the USA meant, assembled and produced totally in the USA by APPLE.... you crack open any electronic, from a PS5 to an iphone 11, you will see the brand names of Oracle, Ericcson, Intel, AMD, etc.....
Just need a 10% tax on top line sales revenue number, not on profit.