Project Veritas exposes CNN......again!!!!

bambino's Avatar
This is no surprise. They actually think they’re fooling people!!!!! Like it’s not obvious? Their next scam, climate change to scare the masses!!!!!!

Seems like you have to be fat and stupid to work for CNN.

Speedy will do a Snopes fact check on this!!!

Okeefe says this is a series on CNN. It gets worse!!!!
CNN's not fooling anyone. All the shitlibs are in on it. It's not even a dog whistle, it's just a knowing wink every time they say divisive shit.

They're not lying to anyone. It's just the left trying to gaslight the world so they can eliminate the right and build a one-world government.
matchingmole's Avatar
Great job CNN!!

Flushing Trump was a great game plan.........
bambino's Avatar
Great job CNN!!

Flushing Trump was a great game plan......... Originally Posted by matchingmole
You’re one of the few people who watch CNN. They had zero affect on Trump. They’re so fucking stupid their ratings are getting even worse after Trump!!!! It’s like poking yourself in the eye.

Stupid is as stupid does.
winn dixie's Avatar
domestic terrorism is what it is. And they got it on tape!

Straight from the horses ass!

Red Hot is drooling right now! lolling
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I don't doubt it for a second. CNN was anti-Trump and wanted him out of office. Just as FOX News wanted Trump to remain in office and promoted him at every turn. I tried to give equal time to both networks prior to the election and I had to laugh at how commentators on both channels could look at the same information and come up with opinions 180 degrees apart.

"Among his properties, the top-rated Fox News Channel stands out, its role in shaping conservative thought and Republican Party politics unrivaled, at least within media. Murdoch allied himself with Trump despite holding the former reality show host in low esteem. And Fox has been one of Trump's strongest sources of support. So how the channel presented Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's rising election fortunes matters. Deeply."

"Fox has been the most reliable mainstream-media ally of Donald Trump’s administration. Its hosts have given the president unchallenged airtime and amplified pro-Trump conspiracy theories from the internet."
bambino's Avatar
I don't doubt it for a second. CNN was anti-Trump and wanted him out of office. Just as FOX News wanted Trump to remain in office and promoted him at every turn. I tried to give equal time to both networks prior to the election and I had to laugh at how commentators on both channels could look at the same information and come up with opinions 180 degrees apart.

"Among his properties, the top-rated Fox News Channel stands out, its role in shaping conservative thought and Republican Party politics unrivaled, at least within media. Murdoch allied himself with Trump despite holding the former reality show host in low esteem. And Fox has been one of Trump's strongest sources of support. So how the channel presented Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's rising election fortunes matters. Deeply."

"Fox has been the most reliable mainstream-media ally of Donald Trump’s administration. Its hosts have given the president unchallenged airtime and amplified pro-Trump conspiracy theories from the internet." Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Fox’s opinion personalities were for Trump. Not sure the Murdocks were.

A few others were backing Trump. AON and Newsmax. AON is the only network that will report on election fraud. To my knowledge, they haven’t been sued by Dominion yet.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Fox’s opinion personalities were for Trump. Not sure the Murdocks were.

A few others were backing Trump. AON and Newsmax. AON is the only network that will report on election fraud. To my knowledge, they haven’t been sued by Dominion yet. Originally Posted by bambino
Do you mean OAN rather than AON? If OAN, I don't follow them at all. FOX News is a big fish. OAN is not.

Meet OAN, the little-watched right-wing news channel that Trump keeps promoting

Conspiratorial voices

Much of OAN's programming resembles that of Fox News. The network's news shows purport to deliver headlines in a non-partisan way, but in fact frame the news of the day in a way that is often beneficial to Trump. In the evening, OAN's opinion hosts, such as Liz Wheeler and Graham Ledger, offer run-of-the-mill conservative commentary that is generally approving of the White House.
rexdutchman's Avatar
cnn china news net
bambino's Avatar
Do you mean OAN rather than AON? If OAN, I don't follow them at all. FOX News is a big fish. OAN is not.

Meet OAN, the little-watched right-wing news channel that Trump keeps promoting

Conspiratorial voices

Much of OAN's programming resembles that of Fox News. The network's news shows purport to deliver headlines in a non-partisan way, but in fact frame the news of the day in a way that is often beneficial to Trump. In the evening, OAN's opinion hosts, such as Liz Wheeler and Graham Ledger, offer run-of-the-mill conservative commentary that is generally approving of the White House. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yes, OAN. And Fox’s ratings are tanking. The link you posted is very old. Wheeler and Ledger are no longer there.

Newsmax is on the rise. Gregg Kelley’s 7pm show in particular: