obama the original divider

winn dixie's Avatar

Obama and holder started this mess! As obama continues to stir the pot of division.
winn dixie's Avatar
Obama pours gasoline on another race fire by calling officer Derek Chauvin a murderer
by Eddie Scarry, Commentary Writer | | April 13, 2021 02:59 PM

Obama pours gasoline on another race fire by calling officer Derek Chauvin a murderer
by Eddie Scarry, Commentary Writer | | April 13, 2021 02:59 PM

Barack Obama is no longer president, so I guess there's no reason to expect him to be "presidential," but how about thoughtful?

Nah, maybe not.

Obama logged on Twitter Tuesday to dump kerosene on the multiple racial bonfires taking place in Minnesota right now, posting a statement that referred to the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin and the "heart-wrenching murder of George Floyd."

The express purpose of the trial is, in part, to determine whether Floyd was murdered. It already features a nonsequestered jury that is no doubt nervous that an acquittal will inevitably ignite more widespread rioting and violence as seen all throughout 2020 and again this week, following the shooting death of Daunte Wright.

The future of media: Moving beyond bias and partisanship
In what world would it be helpful for a former president, our first black one, to call the defendant in the Chauvin trial a murderer before jury deliberation has even begun?

That former president is a constitutional lawyer, heralded by the media as an "intellectual," who knows exactly what's at stake here.

But Obama doesn't seem so much as a former president as a current activist advancing his version of the cause of social justice. And under social justice, due process is an obstacle, not an entitlement.

It's not as if Obama isn't an expert in rubbing the sore on controversies that the media have spun into race wars. After the 2013 shooting death of black Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, Obama held a press conference to declare it was a personal matter. "You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot, I said that this could have been my son," he said. "Another way of saying that is, Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."

Barely a year into office, Obama dove into a local news story out of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to say that police "acted stupidly" in detaining a black Harvard University professor who had been suspected of breaking into a home. Even admitting that "I don’t know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that," Obama still thought he should thrust himself into that one.

Obama is a race instigator now, just as he was then.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Aaand this is shocking because
bambino's Avatar
Like Biden, Obama was/is a puppet. Smarter, and more evil people tell him what to do. He’s been in training for a very long time.
winn dixie's Avatar
Im in amazement at how libs scream inclusivity and unity and turn around and do anything to further divide the nation.
bambino's Avatar
Im in amazement at how libs scream inclusivity and unity and turn around and do anything to further divide the nation. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Their goal is to keep us divided. It’s easier to control us. Barkley figured it out. Hopefully, more people will come out of their comatose state. I doubt they will even if they are shocked into waking up. It may be too late then. Look at all the Zombies in this forum. It’s obvious.
i'm too busy dismantling white supremacy and racism in math for blacks, latinx and non white, non english speakers to worry about obama's own fight against racist whites

i'm creating a pathway to math equity by using ethnomathematics

to think there is only one correct answer in math is the height of white supremacy

and having to show your work in arriving at an answer is tantamount to slavery imposed by a white hierarchy

we must dismantle systems of oppression and instill a right to comfort into mathematics
Of course they want division. Identitarian tribalism is the cornerstone of their philosophy. It's a group of people who haven't gotten over the idea of high school cliques and lunch tables.

A lot of it roots to the LGBTQ community who is severely internally divided. A lot of them don't like each other and group each other by body type, fetish, etc before they even get to ethnicity.
matchingmole's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole
Trumps in the winter White House which is way better than the Shit Hole DC.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Maybe he said it because you know, "Derek Chauvin is a murderer!"
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Maybe he said it because you know, "Derek Chauvin is a murderer!" Originally Posted by txdot-guy

if you say so, Barry.