Turn on's

What's your turn one everybody..
I like a man who is clean, sexy and confident.. not too confident.. But a turn on is neck kissing
offshoredrilling's Avatar
lilylivered's Avatar
Slutty women. The ones who aren't ashamed of it, and are open to talking about it.
Sucking dick. Hair pulling. Being forced on my knees/up against a wall. Ear/neck kisses. Having my toes sucked. A Dominant man with lots of confidence and experience. Men 20+ years my senior. A man who knows how to take charge without being as asshole. Having my head directed as I'm giving head. I could go on all day.
Jessica Alba is Hot's Avatar
Perky tits. Size means nothing.
A perfect description - "Highschool Tits".

Let me stop the "staff edit" with the following statement:

Disclaimer: Girls are 17 and 18 in highschool
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Overnights whew
I love me a girl who can start a shameless thrad at the drop of a dime....
Excellent TCB skills AND a clean incall!!!
I'm hard just thinking about it!!!
jokacz's Avatar
Emily Ratajkowski
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Prebooking and pre screening really set the mood for intimacy whew
Haha very interesting anwsers
Gotyour6's Avatar
A fat wallet.. oh wait, thats a hooker
Bustybabygirl fits my turn-on !!!!!!
JennerJammer's Avatar
What's your turn one everybody..
I like a man who is clean, sexy and confident.. not too confident.. But a turn on is neck kissing Originally Posted by Legacy69
Nothing gets me going like a good car accident. As long as the charges are dismissed.