How much did the trumpies on here donate?

Your boy needs some help. Lets see who the biggest maga is.

So far he has about .5% of the bond for the appeal covered. lolol..
Precious_b's Avatar
Use your handles here so we know how much each one of y'all ante up.
Lol Roy. The orange clown sb banking off the megas on here since they are 90% of the posts on here
Precious_b's Avatar
Haven't seen one poster here using their handle putting up $$$ to their orange darling.

Y'all repugs can talk that talk but when Fearless Leader REALLY needs you, you ain't there.

...just like your talking points here. Thanks for showing the lack of spine material you collectively have.
eyecu2's Avatar
It's likely a steady recurring debit aka tithe to "dear leader". What is the normal level 10% of income? I'd bet that there are some here who would literally have no issue with 10% or more!

They love them some 'orange crush' in the new and improved "menacing" flavor!
So far he has about 1% of what he owes E Jean Carrol. So many TINOs
Looks like the mega nuts can just talk the mega talk. No money needed to spread mega lies. It be like no 1%'s hanging around here. Maybe they be the bottom 1% ???
winn dixie's Avatar
I imagine the trumpf echo chamber has donated ZERO to his cause.
Precious_b's Avatar
Checked again and saw no hobby handles there attached to a $$$$ donation.

The whole lot of them are just a bunch of windbags on a whore site that they can't even afford to hobby and review on.

And i've seen Providers who would suck off the orange dingleberry whine for others to buy those pyrite plated penny loafers.