NCNS: Paranoia run amok...

Date: 12-29-12
Provider: Miss Monroe
Phone: (281) 224-6155
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Beechnut & Beltway
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: Nothing. She is ridiculously paranoid.
Session Length: N/A
Fee: ?
Hair Color and Length: ?
Age: ?
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: Black/African
Physical Description: Was not able to actually meet provider.
Recommendation: No
Dude, as new to this as I am ...

kerwil62's Avatar
Her rates are on her showcase. You should've checked that out before you called.

Since this is not a review.....

and the OP has no PA, is it OK to post ROS information?
There isn't a price listed on the showcase. And the prices on her reviews varied from $.3 to $$...I'm not sure what providing a price for her would've done anyway..?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-29-2012, 01:05 PM
Since this is not a review.....

and the OP has no PA, is it OK to post ROS information? Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
If you do, just to be safe, I would still keep any ros in "private" tags.
There isn't a price listed on the showcase. And the prices on her reviews varied from $.3 to $$...I'm not sure what providing a price for her would've done anyway..? Originally Posted by kunit80

The link you provided, it is pretty clear.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
The ros is in private tags. Regardless of it being a "review" I've always kept private in privates.
2Bars's Avatar
  • 2Bars
  • 12-29-2012, 04:56 PM
The price is in her showcase. Can't really blame the lady when you start asking questions that have been already answered.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Dude, you did not seriously ask her about such things over the phone, did you?

. . . She's not paranoid, you committed the worst offense you could have!

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Thuck Fat's Avatar
..I'm not sure what providing a price for her would've done anyway...? Originally Posted by kunit80
It probably would've resulted in a session with the babe as it appears she offered you a "name your price" deal. If you had said $ for hhr or something close to it, she might've agreed with you. Look at it as a learning experience to next time do your research and be prepared before contacting a lady. Send her an apology via pm and hopefully you get a second opportunity at it.
er48665's Avatar
You never discuss rates over the phone. Always take up to $1000 cash and you're set for any upselling. Then you tell her how much money you have and hand it to her. Then you leave feeling like a chump.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Did a mod just bump a 4 month old thread to put it in it's right place......... now?

08cris's Avatar
Yea bro I guess since you don't have many reviews and references and asking about rates was enough to spook her out....Oh well live and learn you win some you lose some