I can't find Eccie ladies

Hi, I'm a new member trying out the premium before getting life membership. But I cannot find the ladies. If I click on the big banner Eccie foe searching it comes up with Adult search site. At first I thought this was Eecie but there is no provider number or links to reviews, if I click on the search below the forum. I get a not found error. " The requested URL /providers.php was not found on this server. Other searches only have international as an option, not US or specificly for me, Dallas,TX,
Please help,
gman44's Avatar
In the upper left of the website is a photo gallery which is the best we have
Thanks. I thought there would be search capabilities, I was also thrown by getting an error message when clicking, so your saying the only only way to find the women is the most recent photo block and favorites? Okay, well thanks again.