Trump wants to invoke martial law

Can you believe this fuck head? He wants to invoke Martial law to circumvent the election results and basically destroy the Constitution in the process? Are you freaking kidding me?

How much more proof do you lame ass trump tards need to acknowledge that he is the worst president of all time.

How many other presidents have tried to dismantle the Constitution so they could stay in power? That's right -- he is the only one.

It completely and totally boggles my mind how any of your trump morons can even consider supporting this fuck wad.

But hey -- if you dumb asses are serious about supporting the orange loser to the bitter end, then get out your pop guns and prepare to face the military might of the United States.

Your stupid little civil war will be over very quickly. And without mercy.

Rally your troops ankle biter. "TEH" civil war you have been so glibly predicting is almost upon us. Of course you will be cowering in your cold war era nuclear fallout shelter and won't be taking part in it. Just like all the other typical blowhard coward trump supporters
winn dixie's Avatar
Can you believe this fuck head? He wants to invoke Martial law to circumvent the election results and basically destroy the Constitution in the process? Are you freaking kidding me?

How much more proof do you lame ass trump tards need to acknowledge that he is the worst president of all time.

How many other presidents have tried to dismantle the Constitution so they could stay in power? That's right -- he is the only one.

It completely and totally boggles my mind how any of your trump morons can even consider supporting this fuck wad.

But hey -- if you dumb asses are serious about supporting the orange loser to the bitter end, then get out your pop guns and prepare to face the military might of the United States.

Your stupid little civil war will be over very quickly. And without mercy.

Rally your troops ankle biter. "TEH" civil war you have been so glibly predicting is almost upon us. Of course you will be cowering in your cold war era nuclear fallout shelter and won't be taking part in it. Just like all the other typical blowhard coward trump supporters Originally Posted by Jam3768
Stop watching msnbc! madcow is not just one of their anchors! Its real!

I cant believe anyone would actually think this let alone post it!
Find the evidence for yourself pinhead. You never posted any proof to all your lame ass claims that the election was stolen.

Besides -- if I had posted a link to this you lame ass wouldn't have believed it anyway.

So do your own research and continue to come up with your own flawed conclusions.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I’ve been hearing that too... but he’s been going apeshit in the WH according to people.


winn dixie's Avatar
Find the evidence for yourself pinhead. You never posted any proof to all your lame ass claims that the election was stolen.

Besides -- if I had posted a link to this you lame ass wouldn't have believed it anyway.

So do your own research and continue to come up with your own flawed conclusions. Originally Posted by Jam3768
lolling over your triggered posting!
This is clearly your opinion on display! Even the lsm has not reported this! They have tried to hint at what if? To scare the American dims into thinking this. But none has reported what you posted! So you sir have NO EVIDENCE! Just your opinion! Dont you have an antheifa rally to attend?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I thought you lockdown lovers wanted martial law
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Good luck to Trump. That's just not how it works here. He has already wasted enough people's time and he needs to just get lost. This shit is so ridiculous now that it's a complete disgrace to him, this country, his family and even his dog if he has one. Have some fucking dignity and don't go out looking like a chump Trump. Just keep what little dignity you have left.

I'm pretty sure groups like the idiot Proud Boys are not going to flip the election. I doubt those broke mostly unemployed retards could even flip a pancake in their mobile homes.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Bull Shit
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump wants to invoke martial law
Article by cnn states that Flynn brought the idea of ML up to have another election and inspect the dominion machines!
Other articles state same!
None of them said Trump wants to invoke martial law zero zilch!
Of course non informed haters immediately think Trump wants to invoke martial law

bahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahah ahahhahahhahahhahaa

jammy gonna need charmin 2-ply
The rotten apples don't fall far from the dead tree.
  • oeb11
  • 12-20-2020, 07:01 AM
As per usual - DPST's are hysterical about fake news.

No link, no documentation - just LSM XiNN hysterical BS
get a life - DPST's

Trump hate - well - just go on hating trump - it is all you have - certainly the DPST /DNC party platforms are intellectually bankrupt - just as the DPST posters are .

such Nonsense - and yet the fools believe the LSM Lies.

go On hating - DPST's - it is all you have!Now for bleating from the DPST acolyte/minions!
Redhot1960's Avatar
Good luck to Trump. That's just not how it works here. He has already wasted enough people's time and he needs to just get lost. This shit is so ridiculous now that it's a complete disgrace to him, this country, his family and even his dog if he has one. Have some fucking dignity and don't go out looking like a chump Trump. Just keep what little dignity you have left.

I'm pretty sure groups like the idiot Proud Boys are not going to flip the election. I doubt those broke mostly unemployed retards could even flip a pancake in their mobile homes. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Redhot1960's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
Fake news got you to post this thread. Any more proof needed that media gossip and rumor is effective ?

I heard Tesla stock is headed down next week.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Flynn and Powell both suggested it. On NEWSMAX. Trump then called the reporting of it FAKE NEWS.

You’re as muddled as he is.

Open your eyes, lemmings!