Admiring Olympic Hotties

Ahhh, the softcore porn that is Olympic competition. Sanya Richards-Ross is beautiful and has a rock hard ass that looks like a pair of soccer balls. Women's beach volleyball is full of babes, but Misty May and April Ross are both hot. There was a 24 year old Romanian gal who took silver in floor exercise who was totally sexual and erotic in her outfit and performance. Very womanly, not girly like a lot of the gymnasts.
I think super athletic women are incredibly sexy.
Also, Destiny Hooker of the women's volleyball team. What a name! Between her and Heather Cox, where does the lap dancing start.
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The entire South Korean vball team, the entire Netherlands Field Hockey team.

The end.
Hope Solo, U.S. soccer goalie. Wow.
Agree on South Korean Volleyball team, especially their star, the tall girl, beautiful face.

Our entire womens track team. If you're an ass man, you'll be in heaven.