Monk and Submissive Sasha: Torn to Shreds

Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Hullo again, Elisabeth, Spacemtn, and friends in our demimonde. You have met Sasha here previously. She and I are keen to share a bit of the story of her last discipline. She greeted me wearing prosaic white cotton underwear. “What do think?” she asked, smiling, “Do you like me this way?”

Such insolence! I’ll show you what I think about that, I replied, as I dragged her by the hair, blindfolded her, tied her wrists together and suspended her in front of a mirror. I let her hang there in silence for a while. White cotton underwear indeed!

I used a leather riding crop and a pair of scissors. I wondered if the white cotton would mute the strokes of the crop? Perhaps… so I applied harder ones. I used the scissors to cut the seams of the shirt and then slowly tore the fabric. Sasha caught her breath with the noise of the fabric tearing. I pulled the point of the scissors across her breasts, teasing her nipples, and on the insides of her things, making them tremble. Now I applied the crop to her bare, luscious flesh.

I removed the blindfold so that she could watch as I shredded her panties. Sasha was very wet and very aroused. She squeezed her thighs together as I held my cock against her swollen labia and she treated me (and herself) to a very erotic frottage. Frottage from behind her was especially satisfying.

This game is best when played very slowly and very quietly. I took her down, tattered underwear and all, laid her gently on the bed, kissed her sweetly, and continued to have my way with her.

Thank you, friends, for letting us share this episode with you. We hope that it aroused you and gave you a wicked idea or two

Grey_Wolf's Avatar
Well, that sounds like a wonderful way to start a weekend!
Looks fun, Mr. Monk
Mmmmmmmm I love it when a man rips clothes off of me, so carnal! I've lots several favorite pairs of underwear at the hands of gentlemen..... Sad but OH SO WORTH IT!
The Slut's Avatar
Very hot.

Thanks for sharing.