What a joke of a leader..................

Obama a year ago;

oppps; move to Political Forum......
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A RED :LINE!!! OMG!!! He is angry now.....

A real, pretend president: Glen Allen Walken (John Goodman)

to tee it up; Zoe Barlett has been kidnapped by suspected muslim terrorists. President Bartlett is under duress and so is resigning the presidency to the Speaker of the House (the VP had resigned and has yet to be replaced). Republican Walken takes the helm of state.


Notice how scared the democrats are and how some may not want to obey the Constitution. Notice how Walken is even handed, constitutional, and more concerned with the country than his career. Even a liberal like Soorkin knows who makes better presidents in times of crisis. There ought to be a big red box inside the Oval Office when there is a democrat president. Inside is a fierce republican and the outside says "In case of Emergency, Break Glass and Resign"
Chica Chaser's Avatar
oppps; move to Political Forum...... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Why? You posted it here and discussions like this are fine here. All board rules are in effect in this forum. Some may want to have civil discussion concerning the topic. If not, they know where to go, next door there are currently 33 threads concerning the topic.
JCM800's Avatar
lol ....only 33?

that seems kind of low.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I'm waiting to see if or how all those on the Left that railed about "Bush's ILLEGAL War" because he didn't get a "Declaration of War", just a Vote in Congress approving the use of military force in Iraq.. now say the same about Obama having an "ILLEGAL War" if Congress DOESN'T vote to approve the use of force and Obama orders the missiles fired anyway.

For me, I believe the Commander-In-Chief has the legal right to order the military to take any action he deems necessary. With or without Congressional approval and despite the "War Powers Act". SO I don't have a problem whichever way Obama goes on this. But it will be fun to watch his supporters crawfish and try to reconcile their rants against Bush with remaining silent if Obama orders the missiles fired without Congressional Approval. Heck, it'll be fun watching them explain why Bush's war was "illegal" if Congress DOES vote to approve his use of force.