Biloxi Bar

Despite less than staler reviews I decided to check the place out.

$10 cover included one drink. There where at least 6 girls working, most 7's or 8's one might have been a 9 or a 10, and one a 5 or 6. Overall MUCH better quality than I expected but CTC was getting started so maybe they outsourced for the busy week to come?

Shortly after setting down I had a cute, friendly, young black girl take the seat next to mine and introduce herself, said she wasn't new but just moved back from New Orleans and had bought herself a house here. Said the place next door was full nude, and that's when Squirrel rudely interrupted. Squirrel welcomed her back (Judging by the look on the dancers face it was an only an excuse to interrupt), and asked me "Would you like to buy this young lady a drink, or a dance?" I said "no ma'am I already offered her a drink and I'm not ready for a dance just yet". Squirrel gave me a dirty look and quickly pulled the girl away from my table and out of my life forever! WTH!? lol!! She gave me all of 3 minutes in the bar and 60 seconds to talk to the girl before rudely trying to up-sell me! Dumb Dyke!

I stayed long enough to finish my beer, got up, tipped all the girls in sight (none of which were setting with customers btw), and set my empty beer down on the table front of the dumb dyke! Wish I could have taken a picture of the look on her face SO confused / pissed off!!

If I had to guess it’s only virgin airman keeping that place in business?

I might try the place next door another time....
BfromMS's Avatar
Our Gulf Coast is the land of casinos and moonshine. We are Mississippi Gentlemen, and we live by a code of discretion. Our businesses are international, our casinos are classy, and we like to present a Coastal image of good, clean fun. Strong sub-cultures thrive here by discretion. Strip clubs tend to draw unwanted attention from the public and then the authorities. No good, barely tolerated, and consequently, no high class joints here.
Very well put Mr B. I haven't been privileged enough to try any of the local moonshine but thanks to this site I have thoroughly enjoyed some of the subculture.
BfromMS's Avatar
Of course, I don't know about it personally, but, Hancock County has quite a rep as one of the last standing bastions of independence. And I do know a gentleman who ran it as a kid in Jackson County.

Second the motion on Thoroughly Enjoyable.

Thanks to Gentlemanly Discretion, our Community Peacekeepers concentrate on containing violence and troublemaking. And, voila, all of this warm human contact blossoms into a wonderful form of play, and a whole lot of people benefit.

Closest classiest skin club(s) - Mobile