Traits of a true gentleman

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Oh goody. I've been wanting to know this...
  • Horse
  • 06-05-2012, 02:57 PM
A beard, a smashing set of denim overalls, and a little bit of a spare tire.
livn2do's Avatar
Ask a 1000 women and you'll get a 1000 different answers. Thats what makes you women so damn fascinating. Of course we all know that women prefer "bad boys" anyway. So don't write us off when we're starring at your breasts and all your other naughty parts because at least we'll hold the door open for you if for no other reason then to get a good look at your ass when you pass in front of us. But to answer your question as best I can. A true gentlemen is Honest, Confident and Respectful. Is still a little rough around edges and although he tries to avoid physical confrontation is fully capable of kicking ass when the need arises.
That question could be a little hard to define. But I think ultimately it's how we treat others. I was once told by a teacher " Treat every man like a gentleman, not because they are, but because you are. I always liked that and try to live by it.

Lookzfun61's Avatar
A woman may not truely know the definition of a " gentleman " , but sure as hell knows the differance when she sees it !
bladtinzu's Avatar
are........... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

In this hobby I would hazard a guess of cash in hand and doesn't bitch about donation costs..
Ask a 1000 women and you'll get a 1000 different answers. Thats what makes you women so damn fascinating. Of course we all know that women prefer "bad boys" anyway. So don't write us off when we're starring at your breasts and all your other naughty parts because at least we'll hold the door open for you if for no other reason then to get a good look at your ass when you pass in front of us. But to answer your question as best I can. A true gentlemen is Honest, Confident and Respectful. Is still a little rough around edges and although he tries to avoid physical confrontation is fully capable of kicking ass when the need arises. Originally Posted by livn2do
very well said every woman finds different things sexy and repectful in a man....for me it is the simple things making me laugh,getting the door for me, groping me best thing for me is a man just being himself....
A beard, a smashing set of denim overalls, and a little bit of a spare tire. Originally Posted by Horse
You foregot one. "Pay your whores with Penny Roles stored in a zip lock bag, lol.
ForbiddenFriend1's Avatar
I vote livn2do as gentleman of the year
  • Horse
  • 06-06-2012, 03:22 PM
Or just count out the pennies
setman's Avatar
The more a woman acts like a lady, the more a man acts like a gentleman.

Enjoy yourself.

Be safe.

Stay cool.

Or just count out the pennies Originally Posted by Horse
You could do that. But remember your session is only an hour, lol.
livn2do's Avatar
I vote livn2do as gentleman of the year Originally Posted by ForbiddenFriend1
Thanks Forbidden
When the man reached out to open the door for the lady she curtly said "Don't open that door for me just because I'm a woman!"

He calmly said, "I'm not, I'm opening it because I'm a gentleman".