Is P411 Enough?

Hi Everyone,

I haven't been here for a while! I'm very excited because this morning I had a photo shoot and I really like the way it went, as soon as the photos are available I'll publish them.

Which leads me to my question - when I was around before I had excellent advice via this site regarding creating a website. I created one, for some reason I can't even remember was not into maintaining it. Plus, I've been busy and elsewhere and not very available to 'date' for a while.

Now - I've just finished a big project, would love some fun sexy times as a companion, but am not really into the idea of creating and maintaining a website full time. Thus my question - Is P411 enough of a profile to meet good dates with? I really don't want a lot, in fact I'd be happy with just one (arrangement) and I'm very impressed with P411. My impression is that some girls work with only that.

Also I'm in Miami, sometimes Manhattan, which affects things.

Views, please? Do you think the girls who mainly advertise on P411 do quite well with that?

Thanks, I guess I'm mostly concerned with cutting down the work of marketing and just having fun. You know, the 80/20 rule.

Chloe xxx
I've seen many ladies that have had only P411. But my suggestion to you is have a good bio, recent pictures, and not just a picture of your arm.Your information must be true, correct, and up to date. That means if you're brunette and you go blonde, correct your information. If you do ever come down to San Antonio, you pretty much can count on me looking at your P411 profile. Good luck.
Say What's Avatar

A poorly maintained website is far less appealing than a nonexistent one. P411 and eccie are more than enough to attract clientele. The pictures and bio are very important though. Good luck and have fun!
JohnnyFarangly's Avatar
Bring your pictures and your ass to Houston.

We will take care of you.
John Bull's Avatar
Put an ad on P411 and a Showcase on Eccie and make sure the pix are good and the info is up to date and see how it goes for you. If you have enough biz, job done. If not, advertise on a couple of local Boards and you'll probably be OK.

I am just like you. I don't wanna do a lot of client appts in a week or day cuz I wanna have fun while doing this job I have been a member of P411 since late last year and I will vouched that I get enough very decent client thru that site... I don't advertise anywhere else but ECCIE and P411 and I can barely handle the requests

GOOD LUCK to you Sweetie and Stay Safe!
Thanks everyone, that really helps! Can't wait to put my new photos up.

Chloe xxx
Dear Chloe:
For purposes of verification Preferred411,RSK2000 and Date Check are commonplace among providers in the hobby. However if you can get into some local hobbyist societies and have a circle of providers to whom you can discuss clients with and that are truthful and honest that is just as critical as well.
I've seen many ladies that have had only P411. But my suggestion to you is have a good bio, recent pictures, and not just a picture of your arm.Your information must be true, correct, and up to date. That means if you're brunette and you go blonde, correct your information. If you do ever come down to San Antonio, you pretty much can count on me looking at your P411 profile. Good luck. Originally Posted by Salsa man
Awsome reply! (Everyone actually had perfect responses) This may help others too...
I only advertise here and use P411 for my dates.I have been with them since '07 or '08 I think. I prefer a low volume as well (I only do multiple dates if in tour/travels due to the short time allowence)and there are provider ad boards,areas for visits,links,profile,bio etc...So if posting here once in awhle and sending your date requests to P411 its very easy to set up a date,not go back and forth doing TONS of emails,phone calls,screening etc.No headaches and also you filter out any un wanted messages that may be unsafe to reply to.I used P411 and here in Eccie for my travels and they all went well.I am pleased with the usage of this site and my p411 account.
Have a supa day
~Exotic Beauty~
You should do just fine on P411 and here on ECCIE.
Thanks everyone, that really helps! Can't wait to put my new photos up.

Chloe xxx Originally Posted by Chloe Kensington

I can't think of a better verification site than P411. I never got anything off Date-Check and P411 is popular in nearly every part of the states. As others have stated you should have no problem with being just on P411 and here, especially if you want to be lower volume. Good luck!
plainjoe's Avatar
Others have provided input, here is my 2 cents...from my perspective, both this site and P411 are probably the only ones you need to advertise.
I use this site and P411 because only verified ladies are on the sites. The ladies, hobbyists, and moderators on this site do a pretty good job of maintaining good order and discipline on the boards/site. As for P411, they provide "visitor's ads." In addition, they do a great job of verifying both ladies and us providers - at the minimum, both recognize that we are legitimate providers/hobbyists. However, that does not preclude additional screening/research.
A few ladies also use BP, but be warned, a lady informed me that the majority of calls / contacts that she receives from the ads are a waste of time. ECCIE and P411 does the first stage filtration of the "chaff."
Good luck!
Thanks for the additional comments everyone, I'm relieved everyone feels P411 and Eccie are reliable and good choices! I got my photos back today, can't see where to add a gallery here although I know I've seen mention of them - please advise?

Chloe xxx
If you are getting the exposure that brings you the amount of clients you want, then you should be fine. If ever you decide you want more, do more. Simple as that.
If you are getting the exposure that brings you the amount of clients you want, then you should be fine. If ever you decide you want more, do more. Simple as that. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Thanks Tiffani, but from what I hear it really isn't as simple as that. A lot of time and money can be wasted on sites that don't work and frankly I certainly don't have the time for that.

This is a playful adventure for me and I want to be effective in my advertising, focusing on a quality date here and there and not wasting time on sites and marketing that are ineffectual.

Chloe xxx