"Analysis of Callgirl Reviews"

Here is a funny article about call girl reviews. It`s London based, unfortunately, but still fun to read, I hope for americans as well.

"There is an online subculture of men who review their encounters with escorts using a frank, exhaustive style you’d associate more with reviews of hotels than sex. I analyzed five thousand of these ‘field reports’ to see what I could find out about the punters, their use of language and their outlook on sex for cash"
"Punters often speak at length about how special certain escorts are, how they’re sweet, fascinating people, deserving of respectful attention, but that’s as far as the caring goes—sexual jealousy and the state of appreciation for loved ones anthropologists call ‘special meaning’ don’t exist."

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Voce fala portugues?
Nao falo portugues muito bom :-(( .
very interesting,though i would love him to do one about america
John Bull's Avatar
English please, ladies.
Hi Nina baby!

I read this when it came out last year. Being a member of Punternet, there's a more male-dominated atmosphere on that board, but not unlike what goes on here. Paying over a certain amount, or staying longer than an hour, or having a dinner date with a working girl is frowned upon. But service levels and the atmosphere is totally different in the UK. On the more 'standard' to mid level, BBBJ's are not always the norm. There are other communities a lady with exceptional services can communicate on that don't always expect the lady to be all 'pink and fluffy and frilly' or be silent.

What I would hope to tell Mr. Millward is that definition of special meaning-sexual jealousy- is not necessary. But some of us are fascinating people, and all of us are deserving of respect.
What I would hope to tell Mr. Millward is that definition of special meaning-sexual jealousy- is not necessary. But some of us are fascinating people, and all of us are deserving of respect. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

He "analyzed 5,000 of these reports." Ha Ha.

"No, really, dear. It's research for an article I'm writing..."
Hi Nina baby!

I read this when it came out last year. Being a member of Punternet, there's a more male-dominated atmosphere on that board, but not unlike what goes on here. Paying over a certain amount, or staying longer than an hour, or having a dinner date with a working girl is frowned upon. But service levels and the atmosphere is totally different in the UK. On the more 'standard' to mid level, BBBJ's are not always the norm. There are other communities a lady with exceptional services can communicate on that don't always expect the lady to be all 'pink and fluffy and frilly' or be silent.

What I would hope to tell Mr. Millward is that definition of special meaning-sexual jealousy- is not necessary. But some of us are fascinating people, and all of us are deserving of respect. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Hello Tiffani

I agree with you completely. I think in the USA the emphasis is more on the GFE service, generally. I also do agree that such an analyzis might be - I assume - very different in US-review boards, for some pretty obvious reasons. To be a blunt slimeball - Generally , IMHO, The gentlemen in USA write more "nice" and " sweet worded" reviews. In Europe the focus is more on the acrobatics within the service, while I have experienced the US-men to be more about the "overall attitude" of a provider. Of course , this is meant a s an emphasis within the general shape of a review, not as a complete difference in styles. Generally, the "wishes" are similar, just the focus is a bit different on a sliding scale.

ANd I agree, that not only some of us, but generally, the world is full of fascinating people, and every human deserves respect.

I - for my point - mostly don`t like reviews, as good as they might be for several reasons. In Europe it`s to see if the standards are as written, and in USA it`s to get a feel about an escort, because some things can`t be written about. I assume that this might add to the difference in focus.
Sorry for the late response to this, but even the way ladies word their websites and advertisements are different. It's almost like an implied fakeness, and the reviews reflect the acknowledgment of that fakeness. This applies to the majority but not to all. There are some ladies who are all inclusive, and they are definitely on the higher end of the norm.

And Nina is right about how sweet-worded reviews are in the US. The way they word their reviews is like they're nonchalantly recalling the encounter in the locker room with their buddies FOR REAL. The more nonchalant the tone, the 'cooler' the reviewer. They don't care if she has an attitude, and he doesn't expect to have to be nice to her. In the US, they want a lady to be happy with what she does, and for as little as possible.
ICU 812's Avatar
Jeeze! He read five-THOUSAND reviews? Maybe he should get out more.
jughead1171's Avatar
Here is another article he wrote but from the escorts view. Just wish there had been more responses from the ladies than what he received.

I would like to see how a study in the USA would compare.

cinderbella's Avatar
I first read of the "hobbyist" reading Amanda Brooks blog, and wondered who in the heck they are. Since joining eccie I have since found out and in the sage wisdom of Amanda Brooks they probably really are not the average girl's best friend. As for me, I don't think I'll ever agree to see one again and stick to my tried and true "clients" who don't choose to divulge every detail, reporting descriptions woefully inaccuarately and collecting experiences with various women with no intention usually of ever seeing her again. I also chalk it up to the "Flavor of the Week" syndrome the "George Castanza" syndrome these guys seem to grasp onto.
Analyzed 5,000. He probably fed 5,000 reviews into a computer then let it count to see how often each word occurred. It would be interesting to see him post the dataset so other people can pull statistics from it.

But some of us are fascinating people, and all of us are deserving of respect.
That's exactly it. People shouldn't judge people based on their lifestyle, as long as the lifestyle doesn't hurt other people. We're weird, squishy, unique science experiments, and that's what makes it so fun to meet people.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Great article, I dont have a clear opinion on reviews yet because i just started getting them, but i hope they help business lol.