Sugar Daddys

Hello gentlemen
I am a bit curious as to how many of you gentlemen consider yourself sugar daddies. It interest me to know how you go about seeking out your arrangements and if it truly brings you satisfaction. What are the qualifications for you as far as your sugar baby. What do you expect in return? & How often do you usually stay in the arrangement?

Thanks for your feed back ... I just thought it would be a fun topic

Cali Monroe <3

I think if you are spending over $5-700 on a young lady a month you are pretty much a sugar daddy.
I think if you are spending over $5-700 on a young lady a month you are pretty much a sugar daddy. Originally Posted by Fast Ricky
no then your a regular... 5-7000 a month your a sugar daddy
Cali, Sugar Daddies expect the exact same thing from their Sugar Babies as Hobbyist do from providers, good sex.

The only real difference is most Sugar Daddies expect the Sugar Baby to be true to him, and for this, he pays a premium.

I would amagine most of these arrangements involve about $2000 a month on the low end, the sky could be the limit on the high end.

When do most of these end? When the naive Sugar Daddy discovers he has been paying his Sugar Baby's Boyfriend's rent for the past two years.
Thank you for your answers

I am interested in this topic very much ... any interest in this type of arrangement .. Feel free to PM me
  • sole
  • 08-06-2012, 07:24 AM
use i've had great success there!
Awesome .. thank you
Gotyour6's Avatar
I am a sugar daddy.

I am a true one not looking for cheap pussy and I can tell you this, if you are just looking for a steady client say that is what you are looking for. MOst providers I know have failed at the sb scene. Dont know if you are going to be one of them and I don't care. Just telling you a look at history is all I have to go by.

What I expect from my main sugar baby is to be a GF when I need a GF.

I take her shooting, on trips, bought her a car, an apartment and give her an allowance.
This weekend I am taking her shopping for her birthday and on a weekend trip.

I have been with her for 4 months now. Longest one was three years. The three year one she wanted to go back to school and i thought that was good. Took me a year to find the one I am with now.

Be open and honest. That means telling them what you do or did. If mine said she was a provider I would tell her to hit the bricks. There has to be chemistry in it, you have to like each other and the first time we were with each other and she said she can't get off because she is still nervous meant she wouldnt fake it for the sake of getting money.

Have more than one sugar daddy means I am not giving you what you need. Beat it. If you agree to have more than one so be it. Again, open and honest. I will allow you to be young and you allow me to be not so young.

Want to know more PM me. is nothing more than a pay per fuck or a place where young girls who watch MTV think they are going to get a BMW on the first meet.

If you are looking for more clients whatsyourprice is another place

ETA: Just looking at your reviews I am thinking you will be part of the history I look at.
I appreciate the input and opinion from you honey .. But i don't think my history or reviews should have anything to do with what I want for the future. Don't you agree? We all have history and if it is about true chemistry ... then none of that should matter as long as there is a genuine connection.
Gotyour6's Avatar
no then your a regular... 5-7000 a month your a sugar daddy Originally Posted by BeautifulBree

You watch too much TV.

Being a sugar daddy isnt about how much you give but what you give.

This is why a provder makes a bad Sugar baby.

It is what the terms are between both parties.

If I give someone 500 a month and see them once a year does that count me as a sugar daddy?

If I give someone 100 a week and see them twice a week does that make me a sugar daddy?

Get your mind off the money for once in your life and look at the big picture.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I appreciate the input and opinion from you honey .. But i don't think my history or reviews should have anything to do with what I want for the future. Don't you agree? We all have history and if it is about true chemistry ... then none of that should matter as long as there is a genuine connection. Originally Posted by MissCaliMonroe
I go by what I see.

You can do what you want.

Isnt America great

I have met hundreds of women just in a year that want to win the lottery.
They all say the same thing. The one that doesnt is the one that I see and work with.

You are saying the same thing as others. Thats just me. You can try your luck.

You will see someone that says they will pay you so much money for so many visits. You will become a hooker on retainer. I have one of those already, he is my lawyer and he fucks me every time I see him.

It takes a special type of young woman to be one. A real one. One that finds a guy to give her her own credit card and she never sees a bill.

Find one of those and I will give you a big bonus.

I am not saying this stuff to hurt anyones feelings. To be honest if you can do it as an ex-provider and find a great guy I am happy for you (I don't care because I dont know you but if I did I would be happy for you.)

So good luck
Honesty is fine .. but you sound a bit bitter as well ...

We shall see how it turns out.

Thank you for the advice
I am a true one not looking for cheap pussy and I can tell you this, if you are just looking for a steady client say that is what you are looking for. MOst providers I know have failed at the sb scene. Dont know if you are going to be one of them and I don't care. Just telling you a look at history is all I have to go by.

What I expect from my main sugar baby is to be a GF when I need a GF. Originally Posted by Gotyour6
I absolutely agree with you. There is a huge difference between providers who provide to see the single monetary gain and there are others who are in this business for something different. It's that something different to look for and hold onto.

Well said sir! I quoted the sections that stood out most to me, my response may not be the most relevant to the quote but hopefully to the thread in general. I'm sure I am not the only person who completely agrees with you.
So are you guys saying that if you connected with someone on here and she was a provider .. if she wanted you to start a sugar daddy relationship with her ... even if she was looking for a new type of arrangement
Gotyour6's Avatar
Honesty is fine .. but you sound a bit bitter as well ...

We shall see how it turns out.

Thank you for the advice Originally Posted by MissCaliMonroe
I sound a bit bitter because I am. I see so many providers that want to be a sugar baby but they think that they can have 40 sugar daddys. They all want 10,000 a week and a new car. They are too busy to go on a trip or do an over night because they see 200.00 coming at them and they dont want to give that up. They expect a lot on the first month. Most never look at the big picture.

Just like strippers. Cant just single one group here. Strippers are use to having men swarm them, give them dollar bills and they are the hotest things in the world. Ask them, they will tell you.

A sugar baby will wait, they will accept anything you give them and like it. They know they may have a chance at something bigger. They are not money hungry, just need a little help with bills.

Mine had no idea that it would evolve to this. She wanted a hundred a week for helping her with her dog being boarded until she could find her own place. I said I wasnt going to pay a hundred a week to board her dog I will get her a flat though. (I own three apartment buildings)

You want to be a sugar baby you will take a loss. Save your money, a sugar daddy is hard to find.

Give it a shot, put an ad up and see what you get. Then talk to me.