Renowned epidemiologist Jesse Jackson arrives in Dallas to deal with Ebola threat

Welcome to Dallas Jesse.

Upon request of family of #ThomasEricDuncan, going to #Dallas to bring comfort& to seek best humanitarian relief America has to offer. #Tues
5:46 PM - 6 Oct 2014
“The family has reached out for support,” stated Jackson after his arrival in Dallas. “Thomas deserves the love and best medical treatment America can afford, as has happened for the other Americans who have contracted this terrible disease.”
He must have been receiving sub-standard care from the medical staff until Jesse showed up.
Where's Al?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-07-2014, 09:09 PM
JJ is a buffoon and a caricature of what he was at one time.
I love the line "the best medical treatment America can afford"
Shouldn't the mans insurance be covering his treatment?
My guess the Liberian man and the people in the apartment with him have "emergency Medicaid."

So, Jesse is technically correct.
JJ is a buffoon and a caricature of what he was at one time. Originally Posted by Old-T
I'm in total agreement with you. Jesse must think he can rally his reputation like Al Sharpton has.
This should make any higher life form want to vomit. Jessie Jackson is no less a race baiter today than he was in decades past, and this pathetic PR stunt verifies it. Here is group of Liberians of unknown citizenship status (except the Ebola patient) sponging off the best medical system in the world, and here comes the reverend to make sure they are afforded their just human rights, and in the process bringing his social justice/civil rights agenda with him. Jessie is inseparably linked with the civil rights movement and this ploy fits nicely with his narrative and assertion that all black people deserve better treatment. This is nauseating. This Liberian criminal knew he had been acutely exposed to Ebola and would likely die unless he could lie his way past the pathetic Liberian airport screeners and con his way to the U.S. where he had a better chance of survival, but put the U.S. population at risk. All on the U.S. taxpayer tab. CDC dispatched 6 staff to Dallas to manage the potential outbreak. Only the lowest of life forms would endanger a population to save his own skin. Don't be surprised if he tries to marry his U.S. girlfriend (if she is a citizen) to keep his cursed carcass in the U.S. If he survives he should be forced to work as an orderly in an Ebola field hospital in Liberia and Jessie should go with him. That won't happen because Obama quietly suspended deportations of Liberians earlier this year. This vile excrement could decimate our civilization if we don't spend millions to contain it.
I can just see it now, if Duncan dies Jackson will say a white doctor didn't give him proper care because he was black. Oh well, I guess that's the world we live in.

Ole Jesse smells a dollar somewhere.
I'm in total agreement with you. Jesse must think he can rally his reputation like Al Sharpton has. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Al has been very busy working on a cure

Al has been very busy working on a cure

Originally Posted by camouflage
Whatever Ebola looks like under a Microscope I bet it looks like Al. If it hits America enough they should change it to Alboa, lol.

JJ is an opportunist ! Part of me hopes he catches it. He is the worse thing that ever happened to African-Americans in my opinion.

"as has happened for the other Americans who have contracted this terrible disease.”

I think for his and the rest of America's sake he gets the best treatment but Jesse you do know he is not from American dont you?

From what I have read Duncan is a good man and his family are as well. They are all in my prayers but come on Jesse have you no shame.
LowRider69's Avatar
Al has been very busy working on a cure

Originally Posted by camouflage
Rev. Al looks like he is working on an AIDS cure for himself....LOL!

Duncan's body should be burned to stop the ebola spread.....
Bet he doesn't go to Nebraska.
Yes, Jesse Jackson has been an embarrassment for many years.

For those of you not familiar with Dallas, where I'm from and still live part of the time, we have an even more over-the-top charlatan who's been active in local politics for at least 30 years. John Wiley Price is a long-time Dallas County commissioner and an incredibly buffoonish race-hustler. He's also a crook who was indicted for corruption after a multi-year FBI investigation. Although he never made more than a very modest salary, he was caught with about $230K in cash when U.S. Marshals, along with the FBI, raided his home. Sort of hard to explain that away!

Now Price is trying to inject himself into the mix, but most people are wisely trying to distance themselves from him.

He's an extreme narcissist and has long been a Jesse Jackson wannabe. And he'll never go away until it's time for him to report to federal prison. That's too bad, because in earlier days, many people thought he had the ability to represent the Dallas-area black community effectively and be a powerful spokesman for issues important to residents of those areas.

Sort of like a local version of Jesse Jackson.
LowRider69's Avatar
Rev. Al looks like he is working on an AIDS cure for himself....LOL!

Duncan's body should be burned to stop the ebola spread..... Originally Posted by LowRider69
Check out the time I made this post then check out the time Duncan died!!!!!!