Since 1970 per pupil spending on public education has skyrocketed; while math, english and science skills remain unchanged.

This is a terrible trend, but unions and Democrats want to keep American children in a failed system.

Data suggest that our educational productivity has collapsed: the inflation-adjusted cost of sending a student all the way through the K-12 system has almost tripled while test scores near the end of high-school remain largely unchanged. Put another way, per-pupil spending and achievement are not obviously correlated.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But, now we have Common Core! [sarcasm alert]
Guest123018-4's Avatar
As long as the libtards are controlling the education system the dumbing done of society will continue.
Like the libatards in Kansas who have cut funding, and watched test scores drop.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Missed the point, LittleEva, as usual. It's not about money.
Missed the point, LittleEva, as usual. It's not about money. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Missed the part about liberals dull knife? Guess I should have put a sarcasm alert for you slower members.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Cato Institute. another unbiased, independent think tank from the Koch Brothers.

Odd, they use the word "ripoff" hundreds of times on their website. Can't seem to find it in this case.

That comes as a tremendous shock.
Since 1970 per pupil spending on public education has skyrocketed; while math, english and science skills remain unchanged.

This is a terrible trend, but unions and Democrats want to keep American children in a failed system.

Data suggest that our educational productivity has collapsed: the inflation-adjusted cost of sending a student all the way through the K-12 system has almost tripled while test scores near the end of high-school remain largely unchanged. Put another way, per-pupil spending and achievement are not obviously correlated.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Let write off gasoline tax again, who going to vote yes....LOL
Cato Institute. another unbiased, independent think tank from the Koch Brothers.

Odd, they use the word "ripoff" hundreds of times on their website. Can't seem to find it in this case.

That comes as a tremendous shock. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They did take down their new sign from their building at Edward 24 movie theater